We're tinkering a bit with Em's meds, but it's fairly minor.
There's a new autism-focused center in Battle Creek--the Envision Center (Emma's in the spectrum) and we're hoping that they will have psych staff that can better deal with a non-neurotypical child than the ones we've seen so far.
I'm going to see Gary Numan... a double-bill with Recoil. :)
Courtney has Autism, and we just changed neurologists for what seems like the 75th time. This one seems to actually be able to deal with her, so I really hope the center near you can help Emma. I'm lucky in that Court goes to a public school where every student has Autism or some other thing going on, and it's been so helpful.
You are so lucky! Gary Numan and Alan Wilder...I would just die...! *fans self*
We're tinkering a bit with Em's meds, but it's fairly minor.
There's a new autism-focused center in Battle Creek--the Envision Center (Emma's in the spectrum) and we're hoping that they will have psych staff that can better deal with a non-neurotypical child than the ones we've seen so far.
I'm going to see Gary Numan... a double-bill with Recoil. :)
What's going on?
But I have concert tickets and plans to put orange in my hair again. It takes so little... :P
There's a new autism-focused center in Battle Creek--the Envision Center (Emma's in the spectrum) and we're hoping that they will have psych staff that can better deal with a non-neurotypical child than the ones we've seen so far.
I'm going to see Gary Numan... a double-bill with Recoil. :)
You are so lucky! Gary Numan and Alan Wilder...I would just die...! *fans self*
There's a new autism-focused center in Battle Creek--the Envision Center (Emma's in the spectrum) and we're hoping that they will have psych staff that can better deal with a non-neurotypical child than the ones we've seen so far.
I'm going to see Gary Numan... a double-bill with Recoil. :)
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