there's a DH meme going around, but I'm not going to take it though.
yeah...I'm in denial. but I've decided that DH doesn't exist, and my personal canon ends with HBP. which means, of course, I'll have to crawl under a rock for a good long time...oh well. :/
even had Fred lived, I'd feel this way. I just plain didn't like the book, and thought it was a lackluster (and very bloody!) ending to such a great series of books.
I should've expected it though, since I wasn't impressed with HBP. but did it make me this angry? other than Snape killing Dumbledore, no.
I liked a couple things (Potterwatch was good...but where the hell was George?! like Fred wouldn't have insisted George be there! and Neville kicked major ass, I also liked Percy being redeemed even though he should've been the Weasley to die in Fred's place IMO.) but really? I hated the plot overall. it just did nothing for me other than upset me.
the epilogue? was a joke. (okay, AS/S is funny, but still!) Andromeda losing her family and all she got was Teddy? mmm-hmm, yeah, sure. George losing an ear AND a twin, and then JKR says he moves on with his life and has kids and his business? sorry, wrong answer, don't see that happening, ever. Fred and George were TOO FREAKING CLOSE to be seperated like that. (unless George started drinking very heavily and died within a few years, but that just tears me up inside to even think about!)
so yes, as far as I'm concerned, there is no book seven. that's just me though. :(