Aug 16, 2004 00:10
shit has it been a while and a lot has happened in that while. first and forefront on my mind is Jared Kelly.
hands down the most awesome male i've ever met, and the fucked up thing is, i've known him for three years and right now i'm just getting to know him.
so this is how it started. three days ago i was at work, i know, surprise, surprise, it's all i do. but anyway im at work standing behind the counter and i see this guy, and i think he looks kind of fimiliar.
so im looking at him for over the course of a half an hour before i say something to one of the girls that im working with.
"dont you hate it when you see someone that you think you know and you're to afraid to say anything cause you dont want to look like an asshole?" i ask.
kathy in turn says to me "what do you have to lose, if it's not him then so what, at least you have a starting ground to talk to a pretty cute guy. and if it is him, then holy crap, you've found him again." she's wise beyond her years that kathy is.
so we're standing there chatting for another few minutes when my mystery man gets up and walks over to the trash can. im watching as he gets closer and i come to the conclusion that if it's not him than it's his older brother and atleast i have a way to get in touch with him now.
so i turned to kathy, asked her to pray for me so i didnt make myself look like an ass, and i went in for the kill.
and it turned out to be him. :D
to be continued.