Jun 29, 2008 09:20
A Game of Thrones Rulebook
pg 9: Consolidate Power
Special rule: The Consolidate Power order may only be placed on a Land Area. All other orders may be placed on both Sea and Land areas.
pg 14: Retreats
Routed units have no combat strength. They still count towards a player’s Supply limit, but if a routed unit is forced to retreat again in the same game turn, it is automatically destroyed. Routed units may never be taken as casualties in battle. Routed units may not participate in a march, even if a March order token is resolved at their new location.
A Game of Thrones FAQ
pg 3: Routed Units and Routing
Q: When retreating as a defender, if you have a choice between one area that would exceed your supply limits and another area that would not, can you retreat to where you will have to destroy units or must you choose the other area?
A: You may not retreat into an area that will force you to destroy units unless you have no other choice. If your only choice is between two areas that will both force you to destroy units, you must choose the area in which you will destroy fewer units.
pg 3: The Support Order
Q: Must you accept support offered by another player?
A: No. You can accept or decline support as it is presented to you.
Note to self, limit n00b plays to the first two turns of the game.