Title: Feeling Beautiful
Pairing: Kevin/Nick
Summary: Kevin's feeling a little depressed about his body
Pairing: PG-15
Disclaimer: I dont' own anything.
Kevin hated looking at himself in the mirror. He hadn’t been blessed with a high metabolism like his brothers. Joe and Nick could eat and eat, and you would tell no difference. When he took his top off you could see his love handles and his no longer flat stomach. His face was rounder, his thighs not looking as slim as they should in skinny jeans.
He tried to watch what he ate, do more exercise. But it didn’t last long he’d loose it all before he lost his motivation and it was all back on again but this time with a few more pounds.
Kevin’s stood there in front of the mirror only in his boxers and he can't seem to take his eyes off the image in front of him.
He can’t help but smile softly when Nick’s hand runs across his stomach, appearing beside him. The person in the image smiles too but he looks horrible against the beautiful image of Nick.
Everything about Nick shines perfection while Kevin believes he just looks……blah.
“What’s wrong beautiful?” Nick asks pressing a soft kiss to Kevin’s shoulder.
“Just feeling a bit like rubbish.” Kevin admits. His brothers don’t know how he feels about himself, they sometimes tease him when they see him looking at the labels on the back of his food packets but he never tells them the real reason.
Nick just nods against his shoulder, they both stare at the image in front of them. But the difference is Nick has a smile on his face while Kevin looks sad.
“I love you.” Nick says pressing a kiss to Kevin’s temple.
“Love you too.” Kevin says turning his face so he can kiss Nick on the lips. Nick smiles against him before bouncing out of the room.
Kevin turns back to his bed, pulling on his sweats. When he looks in the mirror he can’t help but feel even worse. Turning away with a sigh he walks downstairs to spend some time with his family.
By the time Kevin is getting ready for bed, he doesn’t feel any better. If anything his mood has grown worse. He’s eaten chocolate and ice cream, now feeling fat.
Nick crawls into bed before him and he soon follows turning his back to face Nick.
“Not feeling any better?” Nick asks him.
Kevin shakes his head against the pillow. Nick presses flush against his back, holding him close.
“What’s wrong?” Nick asks softly. And this time Kevin can’t find the strength in him to lie.
“I want to feel beautiful.” Kevin whispered. He feels himself get rolled over onto his back and after a few moments he meets Nick’s gaze, all he see’s is sadness.
“You are beautiful,” Nick tells him.
Kevin makes a lop sided half smile. “If you say so.”
“I do say so, you’re beautiful.” Nick insists.
Kevin just hums turning his gaze away from Nick. His eyes meets Nick when his little brother pulls his head towards him.
“Why can’t you see it?” Nick asks. “You’re the most beautiful person in the world.”
“Nick, please.” Kevin murmurs trying to pull his face out of Nick’s hand.
“No!” Nick exclaims, Kevin can see the emotion in his brothers eyes. “I have to make you see how perfect you are to me. I love every part of you.”
Kevin feels the eyes roll back in his head as Nick starts to press kisses along his jaw leading down his chest.
“Nick,” Kevin moans, trying to push Nick’s face off him. He feels horrible and he doesn’t even want Nick touching him. He can’t understand why he would want to touch him.
But Nick doesn’t move, he just continues to go further down Kevin’s body, his tongue swirling over each nipple. Kevin moans softly his body arching up into Nick’s mouth. Nick straddles Kevin’s hips and moves his mouth back up to Kevin’s lips, kissing him softly.
Kevin kisses back softly and tentatively letting Nick take control of everything.
“So beautiful,” Nick whispers between kisses.
Kevin feels tears to his eyes as every word coming out of Nick’s eyes he just can’t believe.
Nick pulls away and wipes the tears away with his thumb. “One day you will see what I see. I’m going to make sure of it. Because what I see is the most beautiful man in the world, who is perfect and I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
And as Kevin looks into Nick’s eyes something in those sparkling eyes shines the truth. Just as Nick kisses him he feels a spark of hope, maybe he is beautiful just the way he is.