Jul 18, 2006 00:45
Holy Hot Weather Batman. Oy!
Agate Days in Moose Lake last weekend. Went up Thursday, came home late Sunday night.
No A/C anywhere. NONE. Hotter than a Mo Fo up there. Gem and Mineral show was in a school gym, it was over 100 degrees, and my grandmother's house (who we were up there helping, and who had stuff at the show) has no air conditioning. Holy moses was it hot. I lost almost eight pounds of water weight. Yeow.
BUT - Grandma did very well at the show. It was almost her best year. Her work is amazing, and she was very happy with the show.
I lost another dad a few weeks ago. It's been really a sad thing. Not fair comes to mind, and I know that this is going to become a more regular thing as I get older, but it really does suck.
I am concerned with the state of the world too. That is kind of an odd statement when you think about it, but between the middle east, India, Africa, and the far east, it seems like there is a lot of potential disaster out there. Well, alot of disaster already. I don't know what's coming, but it sure scares me. I have a good friend who works for Blackwater, and some of the things he has seen over in Iraq is just scary. And another friend of mine just spent a while in Israel, and she saw a lot there too.
I should go to bed. I'm exhausted. But I know if I do - I will just lay there.
I'm temping this week, where Jason works. Just four hours a day, but it's good money, and it's fun to see him again during the day.
Well - time to try sleeping I suppose.