The Boy Who Lives Amongst The Trees (2/?)

Apr 13, 2010 01:36

Title: The Boy Who Lives Amongst The Trees (2/?)
Pairing: Jongkey would be mentioned in the next chapter.
Genre: Supernatural/Fantasy! AU
Rating: G
Word Count: 383
A/N: for weerainbow ♥ because this is supposed to be her birthday present. late update is late. I'm sorry dear. ); and i'm hopelessly stuck. (inserts crying face)

There is a boy who lives
Amongst the trees
He speaks none and
Sits on a swing
Run before
You see his face
There’s a danger
You might face

Jonghyun slowly walked away at the count of two. He glanced back and could vaguely hear Minho counting- 8, 9, 10

-and he ran.

Yes he may not be as competitive as Minho and yes he hates to sweat, but that doesn’t mean Jonghyun likes losing.


A magnificent tree stood in his view and Jonghyun couldn’t stop gaping. He knows trees are tall and huge but this, this tree’s beyond conventional standards. The trunk was so thick that he could not even see what’s beyond it. Given the size, Jonghyun should have seen this enormous tree stand out as he ran in this direction. Yet he didn’t. Strange. But that doesn’t mean Minho would not spot this tree as well. In fact, Jonghyun’s pretty sure Minho’d see the tree from afar and run here and catch him and-

Thump. Thump.


Without thinking, Jonghyun quickly squatted between the exposed roots that were too large to be underground. The rustling of the leaves on the ground seem to get louder every second. Jonghyun closed his eyes and clasped his hands together.

The sound of footsteps went past him and he thought, God does answer prayers.

Right behind him, Minho stopped. Ok, maybe not.

Jonghyun slowly turned around and peeked from behind the root.

He saw a boy, on a rope swing.

That boy’s no Minho.

And Jonghyun ran.


He told no one of what he saw. No he’s braver than that. Or maybe he’s just afraid that the village would think he’s crazy. Unlike some protagonist’s typical encounter with ghosts in horror novels, Jonghyun did not memorize the boy’s features at first glance. The sudden image had caused fear and instincts to kick in and he ran when he saw the swing, the boy was secondary. Yet something about the strange boy bothered him. The only thing Jonghyun remembered about the boy was his eyes. There’s a sparkle in those orbs that seemed enchanting and somehow, friendly. It didn’t fade away when he laid on bed that night.

On the third night, the window in Jonghyun’s room was open and the bed, empty.

fanfic: jongkey

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