Too lazy to remember to make a new blog. Oh well.
Ducks will be here mid-day Wednesday. I have two names but three ducks. Keeping it to a theme of two-lettered names so far, I feel like the single syllable sound will be easier for them to understand, but really I have no clue. As far as I have been able to find, something like this has never been done before.
Some background info on the ducklets:
They're Welsh Harlequins, which is a decendant of the mallard-types. They originate from mutated (think color mutation not extra legs) Kakhi Campbellls. They're mostly white with either tawny feathers or silver feathers in a unique spotted pattern.
Here's a photo of one. Supposedly they are on the quieter side for ducks, very domesticated and sociable, and lay plenty of eggs; which is a good bribe for neighbors not to tell the HOA! They average about 5lbs, which is a nice small size.
We're getting three females; one for shaping, one for luring, and one for a combo (we're calling that one Control Duck, but probably just Ce for short). I'm thinking they'll learn a hand touch at around one week of age, the first week we'll just spend warming up to eachother, socializing and learning what a clicker is. We'll see from there. I'm excited to meet them, although a bit aprehensive. What if this doesn't go like I planned? Also, I need to find a mentor I can get along with who actually knows alot on learning theory... I've had a few suggestions but they don't check off nicely. We'll figure that out soon, too.