It's Been a Long Road

Jul 22, 2022 22:51

I doubt anyone will see this since LiveJournal is pretty much a wasteland now, but just in case any of my old LJ people are still around and checking, I did finally get my book published. Actually, that's still an ongoing process, first because there are actually three books (the second of which is due out in December, the third the following March), but also because it's been a long, drawn-out process getting the print, ebook, and audiobook versions put out on Amazon, then other places. And it's been so much more complicated than I ever thought it would be.

So I have a new website, where you can see what the book trilogy is about, the first book's trailer, where to buy the book, and a semi-regularly updated blog, all at

So go there. See the pretty things. And most importantly, buy my stuff.

young blood

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