
Sep 08, 2011 21:47

One of the reasons I avoid texting is that it's a really shitty way to communicate. Aside from the annoying 10dency 2ward lolspeak haha j/k, there's the fact that it's way too easy to misinterpret things when people try to boil thoughts down too much and be all cute and snappy. (I also hate the sight of someone hunched over their GameBoys, as I call them, thumbing away like a monkey and about to walk into oncoming traffic. But that's another rant.)

I do, however, enjoy reading Damn You Auto Correct!, I guess because I like laughing at people's mistakes. So I'm a Bad Person™, fine. But it also makes me glad I don't take part in this latest lemming-like fad. I could go into more detail as to why, but I've got some writing to do tonight, and it will be done on an actual keyboard and with a screen bigger than two inches.

In the meantime, enjoy this latest hilarious offering from College Humor :

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