And another subject line bites the dust

Jan 26, 2005 19:53

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell
It goes beyond the highest star
And reaches to the lowest hell
The guilty pair, bowed down with care
God gave His Son to win
His erring child He reconciled
And pardoned from his sin

Could we with ink the ocean fil
And were the skies of parchment made
Were every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade

To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry
Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky

O love of God, how rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song

There are few words to describe the first weeks of this semester. All my classes are supposed to be difficult but I’m actually comprehending more now than any other semester as of yet. I’m afraid of that will probably not be the case in a few weeks. Also, I’ve made more friends in the past three weeks than the previous two and a half years at UAH.

Also, since the lj crew seems to my in a philosophical state of mind as of late, I might as well jump on the bandwagon.

Have you ever thought someone was “beautiful” but then get to know him or her a little bit and know he/she isn’t perfect? Instead of diminishing your view of them, it just makes them even more “beautiful”?

Ok, I’m off the bandwagon.

Lately I’ve been praying a lot. Something I have neglected for a long time, especially in high school. Looking back, I can’t believe how foolish I was passing up one of the most important thing in a Christian’s life. In Acts, buildings shook when the church gathered in prayer. It was only after prayer and fasting that Jesus began performing miracles. The prayer of a pure heart is one of the most powerful forces ever.
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