My life would suck without you - Happy Bday, Bibu!

May 08, 2011 17:26

So, it's now officially the 9th in Japan and it's now time to celebrate Yoko's 30th BIRTHDAY!
I've wrote a fanfiction 1 month ago that I want to dedicate him!

Title: My life would suck without you
Type: a songfict
Group: Kanjani8 + Nino (Arashi)
Translation by: hachiko85  (thank you, my dear!)
Pairing: Yokohina (and some Subassan)
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: don't own, sadly... but QUITE sure they own each other, in a strange way XD I don't own the song, too.
Notes: this is a songfict based on Kelly Clarkson's "My life would suck without you". I'm italian, so this fict has been translated. Sorry for the mistakes/typos you might find. And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YOKO!

Guess this means you’re sorry you’re standing at my door
Guess this means you take back all you said before…

As soon as he entered the door holding a sigh of relief, the news came: -I’m going away. Three months in the US. With Nino-. The astonishment didn’t let him hold back any emotions, and probably his expression got effected by it.
-Don’t always think you’re to the center of attentions, I’m not going away because of you…-Yoko continued with a tone he didn’t like at all.
-What…what’s going on?- he found the strength to ask: -We’ve been arguing and then making up for fifteen years, I hope we could’ve make it this time as well. Instead…you’re going away?-.
Yoko didn’t answer, he just stared at him with a look saying “there’s no other way”.
-And…the band?- Hina tried to ask.
-This has nothing to do with the band, you know… I already asked the manager to cancel all my commitments and Subaru was the first to suggest me to go. It’s a kind of scholarship, for actors… things can change in three months- he tried to explain. They still were foolishly standing by the door, one trying to understand the next question and the next excuse of the other.
-Sure, three month to convince me that no one of us was wrong, so when you’ll be back we won’t have to apologize…-.
-I told you I’m not doing this for you- repeated the older.
-Nobody believes this, Kimi. The others, too, know what is the real reason and, honestly, I’m tired of repeating you always the same things…- Shingo said, crossing his arms.
-No, I am tired!- Yokoyama exclaimed, making him judder: -I’m tired of finding excuses for not kid myself about you, of endure every single day in your company, and refusing to talk about it, ‘cause it would all be vain! You saw it, didn’t you? It’s all vain. Sooner or later some woman comes, taking my place. It’s enough, I can’t stand it anymore! It’s selfish, but I can’t go on! - he protested, his voice resounding in the hallway of the apartment.
Hina shook his head: -I… I can’t do anything- he said, as always.
-You can, instead- Yoko corrected him, catching him unprepared again: -Tell me not to leave. Why should I be here, if not for this? Tell me not to leave…- he concluded, with a firm, almost flat, voice… but with a light in his eyes begging him to say anything. Begging not to wound him again.

Like how much you wanted anyone but me
Said you’d never come back but here you are again…

Hina took his time to think, to go back to they’re fights. Maybe he should’ve let him do what he wanted, let him go away and become an actor, as he always dreamt. Maybe he was right: things would’ve change in three months, it would’ve been good for both of them.
He couldn’t stop him now.
-Well… goodbye, then. Have a nice trip- he said, trying to smile.
-I hate you. Shit, Shingo… - he passes a hand on his face, sighing: -I hate you- he repeated with watery eyes, then he turned around and went away, leaving him there staring at an indefinite point on the floor of the hallway, without knowing what to say.
Did he do wrong?

‘Cause we belong together now, forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly… my life would suck without you

-Maybe it’s not the best time… -he started, seeing Yasu open the door yawning and hearing Subaru moaning somewhere in the corridor.
-Did anything happen, Shinchan?- asked the younger, letting him sit on the couch and ignoring the objections of the leader vocalist, who reached them in a while in his pajamas.
-I’m sorry for bothering, but… I need some advice- he tried to say, before Subaru snorts and pulls Yasu by the sleeve of his colorful sweater.
-Let’s go back to bed, he’s clearly drunk…- he muttered.
-Shibuyan is right, you…you never ask us for advice. It’s us, who usually ask you… - Yasu candidly observed: -What happened?-
He explained very vaguely what happened and he finally could catch Subaru’s attention, who nodded from the beginning to the end, and then calling him idiot.
Yasu butted in: -If he really came to hear you telling him not to leave, you should’ve told him so- then he pause, changing his expression: -How will we do for three months without Yokocho???-.
-But he wants to leave, it’s clear, why should I stop him? Then I would’ve deceived him… - he defended.
-Sometimes you’re really thick-headed, Shinchan- Yasu scolded him frowning: -He’s your best friend and he’s leaving for such an important journey without making up with you! We obviously need to do something!-.
-Why are you treating me as if it was my fault?- Murakami said.
-Because it IS your fault, Hina! Otherwise why would you be here asking for advice? You’re feeling guilty!- explained Subaru without beating about the bush, he was probably tired about all that talking and much more interested in his bed and his pillow, than in the destiny if his best friends. Yasu nodded, asking his boyfriend not to scream that much.
-You know, Shinchan… sometimes we persuade ourselves about things which are not necessarily true. In our mind, we think we know other people’s behaviors and feelings… and we even modify our owns. But… we risk to hurt people very hard- Yasu explained quietly, then he led him back to the door politely: -Try to sleep on it. You’re still on time to chase the plane tomorrow, like in romantic movies- he said, then he yawned and closed the door behind his back, the same as he opened it a little earlier.
That goes without saying…he didn’t sleep at all that night and he didn’t hear the alarm clock the following day… alarm clock that he finally decided to set on time to reach Narita before the flight to Los Angeles left.

Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye
Maybe I was wrong for tryin’ to pick a fight…

Maybe he was staring at the entrance of the departures areas with too much intensity.
-You should’ve waited before leaving… the classes will start in a week, you would have enough time to see him again and talk patiently…- Nino observed, while laying cheerfully half on his chair and half on his luggage, which was three times bigger than him. Yoko tried to push him away with his shoulder, obviously failing in his attempts.
-I don’t want to talk about it anymore, honestly. I’ve got good hopes that, as soon as I’ll be back he’ll be married, or fallen in a black hole, or he’ll have broken one leg playing one of his stupid soccer games- he explained.
-But you want to come back. And probably see him again- Nino said with an amused and allusive voice.
-If you’re trying to practice some subtle psychology with me, be aware that it won’t work- he answered: - Above all, I don’t understand-.
Nino sighed and shook his head: - Talking to you and talking to Aiba, sometimes it’s the same-.
He started to stare at the entrance of the departures area again, the he looked at the flights board and then his watch.
And he sat there, feeling the unrelenting flow of time between the approaching departure and all the things he could have said… and forgiven… to that who will always be his best friend.

I know that I’ve got issues
But you’re pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I’m nothing without you…

-You know, maybe… there’s no need to talk- he whispered, talking to himself or maybe to Nino, then he sprang up and left the other slide off his position, swearing.
Bowing deeply but quickly, he apologized to his manager, returned the ticket to Los Angeles to the organizer, or whoever he was, and took his luggage, starting running to the exit, to his own car.

‘Cause we belong together now, forever united somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly… my life would suck without you

-Shit!- he yelled as soon as he saw what time it was and understood that he only got half an hour to take the car and hope that the traffic of Tokyo wouldn’t have made any of his attempt vain.
He got out in a hurry, without even remembering why: what should have he told him? Would’ve they fought again? Would have he prevented him from leaving? Would’ve he left anyhow?
Despite all those questions, he wasn’t even trying to look for an answer… maybe Yasu was right: he had to try to be less thick-headed, and let people (Yoko) do their own part, without always expecting something.
His mobile rang and he set in on the speakerphone.
“If you’re going to Narita, stop” Maru’s voice resounded.
-Why?- he asked, wondering if there was Yasu, of even worse… Yoko, behind that phone call.
“Yuuchin is coming to your place!” yelled the other one, before cutting off the phone call (who knows if on purpose or by mistake). He kept on listening to the sound of the disconnected line, until he got back to the car park.

From where the car had left him (broken-down, in the middle of an unknown street of Tokyo) he decided that MAYBE there was not that much road left to Shingo’s place and that he could do that, maybe running.
He didn’t trust his physical skills very much, but he didn’t know how to estimate the distance, and, honestly, he had too many thing running through his head to think also about what to do.
It was a cool drama sequence, wasn’t it? Running like hell through the roads of the capital city to go and tell an idiot that…

Being with you is so dysfunctional
I really shouldn’t miss you, but I can’t let you go…

“Maybe you should go to meet him… he’s running around Tokyo” said Tacchon on the phone, while in the background Ryo nodded and added something that he didn’t understand.
-But, how do you know all these things?- he asked puzzled, going back from his apartment, to the car park, to go through the door and get on the street, on foot, asking for instructions on where to go.
“It’s because he’s just called us to know how to get to your place… Ryotan says right” Tacchon answered to both questions. He had already started running.

‘Cause we belong together now, forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly… my life would suck without you

He was on the edge of tears.
They met in the middle of a crossing and, right because life is not a movie, they had to wait at the traffic lights, staring at each other, while they were recovering their breath (almost coughing out a lung) and not to be run over by cars.
-Why didn’t you leave?-
-Why were you coming to Narita?-
-I talked to Yasu and Subaru yesterday… I…-
- You know that this won’t change anything, don’t you? You know that I’ll stay in love with you and I’ll keep hating any of your girlfriends, hoping that sooner or later you’ll realize that bisexuality is a great compromise?- Yoko asked, still trying to recovering his breath: - Because I’m not staying, Shingo… but I’m not even going away forever. And I didn’t want to leave after telling you that I hate you… and not even without making up again-.
-I know- he answered: -Ok, it’s alright. You can leave and do what you want, and I know that you don’t really hate me. But I wanted to tell you that I’d miss you… I’ll miss you. Like crazy. My life sucks without you- he admitted, putting his arms on his hips and looking at him slightly embarrassed.
Yoko smiled: - Mine too. It would really suck… I can’t imagine my life without your obsessive presence- he puffed.
They laughed like idiots, standing in the middle of the sidewalk, luckily it was empty.
-You lost your flight and you didn’t got a promise of eternal love from me, how will you make an exit, now?- Hina asked.
-I always get the loser role, anyway… I’ll be single for some other centuries on, I’ll get on the flight leaving in two days and the story ends with a partial happy ending- he answered: -And I don’t know what is expecting me when I’ll be back-.
-Who knows? Many things can happen in three months… I could discover myself being gay, worn down by your absence- Murakami said. Yoko hit him with a weak tsukkomi, as it was not his job, and also because he hadn’t recovered from the run, yet.
-I’ll count on it… - he added then, in a low voice, hearing him laughing. Then they walked home together.

‘Cause we belong together now, forever united here somehow
You got a piece of me
And honestly… my life would suck without you!


fanfiction, pg, translation, yokohina

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