icons, banners, and wallpaper! oh my!

May 18, 2008 23:15

I know! I felt all creative today! I warn, they're all insanely simple.

[32] icons
[10] banners
[1] wallpaper

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!icons, tv: t:scc, tv: farscape, tv: heroes, graphics, tv: gateverse, tv: firefly, film

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anonymiss731 May 19 2008, 01:38:46 UTC
*yoinks the ironman icons with the wifebeater* Great work! ^__^ *makes a note to credit* Do you know if there are closer cuts of the leather jacket pic?


hariboo May 19 2008, 09:41:45 UTC
Thanks! I don't have any closer cuts of the leather jacket, but I can make one if you would like one.


anonymiss731 May 20 2008, 00:32:05 UTC
That would be totally cool! ^__^ I'm currently iconless because I started an icon change and couldn't decide which RDJ or Tony icons to use. A close leather jacket would be no contest to any other icon ^__~


hariboo May 20 2008, 22:44:18 UTC
Here I made a couple more closer leather jacket icons. I hope they work. :)


anonymiss731 May 20 2008, 23:49:55 UTC
Thank you, thank you, thank you. *is in icon heaven*


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