Stargate actors get around. We all know this.
Guess which one was in Iron Man? Tomin!! Tim Guinee was in a short scene playing a military Major. It made me inordinately happy.
Now for the rest of movie. In my opinion a solid 7.5/10. Definitely not Spiderman 1 or Batman Begins. But good. And Robert Downey Jr. imho did a pretty good job with Tony Stark. But then again, I'm a fan of Robert Downey Jr.'s work. The whole movie stuck pretty well with Iron Man's origins (this, I find out after doing some Google-fu, because I never really watched Iron Man regularly when I was younger) and I think well executed. Jeff Bridges did an okay job as our King Pin like villain, Obadiah Stane. I didn't quite feel the villaininess I felt from William Dafoe, but I think he's a better actor that Beau Bridges. (Sorry, Gen. Landry ;P)
And the girl. Cuz there's always a girl. Pepper Potts, huh, well, not the worst comic book movie chick ever. I don't know her in the comic books/cartoon, I actually wasn't even fully aware of her character before the movie, but she played the grounding female influence to Stark's playboyish ways and in no way my mind could make her more awesome that she was. She was amazing, fleshed out beside "love interest/grounding female influence/damsel in distress (slight)". The 'slight' is very important too here, I think. She was in distress because she was trying to stop The Bad Guy, but you know, he had a super suit. So, yeah.... (oh, and the reporter, she was okay, had some interesting insights about the whole 'you make things that kill people yet people honour you' which was the whole *thing* that eventually shifted for Tony Stark, but they really didn't have to put them in bed.) eta: I see her, Pepper, as a bit of a Moneypenny actually.
Movie, enjoyable overall, RDJ got himself some nice arms for the role and the suit was pretty cool, but there's a reason this one came out earlier in the summer as opposed to The Dark Knight, I think. Good, but not great and I don't think to many people (that are not hardcore Iron Man fans) were expecting much. I don't know if they're thinking sequel with this one. The possibilities are there like with all comic book movies and if they do I have not doubt there will be even bigger special effects and flight sequences, but it was the Origin's Movie. These, I think, try to focus more on setting it all up and while it was no Spiderman it did an okay job.
By the end of the movie, I laughed, I rooted and grinned. I was entertained. Non too shabby.
edit: (much later) I got me some Iron Man icons. Win!