lookie what I found...

Mar 16, 2008 01:43

while updating my tags, it's an old drabble/comment!fic war me and kay started a while back. We were bored and wanted to write. It lasted between 10pm - 6am. These things happen. A lot.


- Robin Hood; G; Robin & Much; What to others a trifle appears...
- Heroes; R; Sylar/Maya; A belief which leaves no place for doubt is not a belief; it is a superstition.
- Firefly; PG; River & Mal; What The Thunder Said


- Robin Hood; PG-13; Djaq/Much; Now the world is upside down/ I'm heading straight for the clouds
- Stargate: SG-1; PG; Daniel/Vala; The change was adjustment without improvement.
- Stargate: SG-1; PG-13; Teal'c & Vala; I don't shine if you don't shine.


tv: robin hood, fic: prompt, tv: heroes, tv: gateverse, tv: firefly, ily wacky bastards, !fanfic

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