because I can't help myself (mini archive post)

Jan 19, 2008 03:30

There are two drabble-a-thons going on, so.... I, of course, write for both because *points to subject line*.  And now I must archive them  mostly for my own sanity (more might be added until they the a-thons actually finish). *g*

Elizabeth Weir drabble-a-thon

Craving - Elizabeth & Vala, connection, PG
It Was Simple Then - SGA/Heroes, Elizabeth & Nathan Petrelli, History, PG-13
Rescues; So Over Rated - SGA/Heroes, Elizabeth & Claire, family, PG

Weekend Work - Elizabeth/John, contradiction, R
Taste of Something More - Elizabeth/Cameron, southern drawl, PG
Creative Negotiator - Elizabeth/Jack, useful, PG-13

All Sparks - Elizabeth/Teyla/Cameron, enthusiasm, NC-17

Porn Battle

Languor - Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG-1, Elizabeth Weir/Cameron Mitchell, oral
Angel by your side, but a devil on her way - Firefly/Heroes, River/Peter, doesn't belong
Present Sense Impression - SG-1, Daniel/Vala, meaningful
Two Guys (For Every Girl) - SG-1, Daniel/Jack/Vala, hieroglyph

character: elizabeth weir, fic: crossover, tv: heroes, tv: gateverse, tv: firefly, !fanfic

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