fics: midnight pick me up // this hasn't happened before [chuck, r]

Jan 31, 2012 14:33


midnight pick me up
r | ellie, ellie/devon | 411
spoilers/warning: none. i imagined it earlier in their relationship, but really whenever.
summary: ellie glares down at him. “shut up,” she mumbles and kicks his side a little.
n: for the it’s hard to say goodbye, chuck comment ficathon. taken from prompt: on call, which of course ending up being porny.

The scrub pants are bunch under Devon's hand as he pushes them down her hips and Ellie has to reach out to steady herself against the shelves when his teeth skim the elastic of her underwear. Ellie moans. Devon smiles against her skin and nudged the cotton away as he smiles up at her.

"Babe, shhhh," he chuckles, sliding his hand under her ass.

Ellie glares down at him. "Shut up," she mumbles and kicks his side a little.

Devon chuckles again and leans down to nuzzle at her thigh. "Whatever you say, Doctor Bartowski."

Ellie has to bite down on her lips as not to laugh or moan even louder when Devon's tongue licks at the crease of her hip and thigh and follows the natural line of her body until---oh. His fingers are pressing against her and she can feel him licking them as he licks her. Her free hand curls in Devon's hair, letting her head fall back against the shelves.

"Oh god, Dev---" Ellie cuts herself off because she can feel the moan crawling out of her throat.

Her fingers drift through over his head and dig into his neck, pulling him closer.

He's mumbling against her skin words like fuck, babe, so so good, love you and Ellie smiles. Devon knows her so well by now he know exactly what she wants and Ellie feels his hand slick with her drift down her leg and grip at her knee. He slides it over his shoulder and the new angel is exactly what she wanted.

"Yessss," Ellie hisses.

His hands tilt her ass closer to him and when his teeth and tongue skim and tease at her Ellie begins to feel the edges of vision blur.

She gasps for breath.


Fingers are spreading her wide and he sucks her clit, his tongue doing that thing that always makes her---

Ellie drops against the shelves with a sharp sigh.

Devon licks clean and smooths his hands over her legs, steadying her. Quick kisses are pressed against her hipbones and stomach. His hands brush against her sensitive breasts, making her moan lowly, as he stands and she catches him shift himself through his scrubs. She leans up and wipes at the moisture still on his lips and licks her lips as he sucks her fingers into his mouth.

She laughs. So does he.

"I love it when we're on call together."

"Hmm, it is awesome."

this hasn’t happened before
r | sarah, sarah/chuck | 506
spoilers/warning: post finale sexy times.
summary: “we haven’t done this before.”
n: for the it’s hard to say goodbye, chuck comment ficathon. taken from prompt: sex in her hotel room.

When she leaves the bathroom and sees him leading against the bed board, naked, with the sheet barely covering him she exhales.

Chuck's eyes meet hers. "Sarah?"

"We haven't done this before."

His brow furrows, "Actually I'm pretty sure..."

Smiling, because she doesn't think she can't not right now, she shakes her head. "I mean, here. We've never had sex here."

"Oh--Oh!," Chuck's mouth drops open and then he smiles. It's sexy, his smile. Sarah likes it.

"No, no we haven't," he continues as she moves across the room. He's watching her progress more than he's paying attention to what he's saying and it makes her feel oh so good when he stutters, "B-but not for a lack of trying on my part. I've had fantasies about that window and counter and mirror."

"Oh, really? You'll have to tell me about them." Sarah smirks, let's her robe drop of her shoulders, and kneels on the bed. Chuck swallows, hard. She can practically hear his jaw clench as his eyes drift down her neck, chest and body, only to snap up to her eyes. His pupils are blown wide with lust.


Sarah tugs the sheet back and nods. "Yeah, new memories, right?"

Chuck grins, reaching out and curving his palms over her ribs, his fingers sliding over the ridges that show when she arches under his touch. His hands are so warm and she likes them on her skin. They travel her body like a well studied map. Her hands drift over his shoulder and collarbone like they know him. They do, Sarah has to remind herself, her hands know him better than her mind does right now.

"New memories," he repeats, pressing his mouth against her neck.

Sarah's thighs slide against his and her hands press against the green headboard finding no grip in the plush material. Her hands drop back to his chest and she pushes him gently back against the green. Chuck look at her and whatever he sees in her face has to be familiar enough because he nods.


His hands circle her hips and she shifts on him, centers herself over him, and their lips touch as he enters her. Sarah sighs.

Moving her hips in a slow circle she watches as his face opens for her and his head drops back. She likes how he looks there. Brown against green.

"Sarah," he says, hands sliding up her back pulling her closer as she controls their rhythm.

She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, twisting her fingers into his hair. There's a stray thought that he should grow it out because she likes his curls and Sarah bows back, because yes, until her memories come back or until they don't it's all about new ones.

And this one is all hers.

Greedily, she pulls his mouth to her, as his hips snap up faster and faster into her, and makes sure the memory of this moment burns into him brighter and hotter than all the other ones he carries.

ship: ellie/devon, tv: chuck, ship: chuck/sarah, !fanfic

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