picspam: mark/lexie [grey's anatomy]

Apr 10, 2011 18:03

This is a semi comprehensive Mark/Lexi picspam with commentary, which has been the making since more or less the beginning of season 7. How things have changed since then. You'll see what I mean. Semi comprehensive because I don't have the episodes downloaded or on DVD and finding caps for each their episodes and moments just got to be too much and too hard to find. But more importantly: WHY IS THIS HAPPENING? YOU WATCH GREY'S? MARK/LEXIE?? Yep, all of these are valid questions because a) I hardly ever ever talk about Grey's Anatomy, b) I don't particularly like the show, c) my favourite character was Addison and during her time there (aka the only time I really watched the show) I was a Mark/Addison fan. So how does this happen? WELL, BLAME YOUTUBE. Long story short: I found myself on youtube wondering about an episode I heard Addison guest starred on. And they were talking about Mark and Meredith's little sister? Mark was super into Meredith's little sister? THIS NEEDED TO BE INVESTIGATED. So it was. The lovely thing about youtube is that shippers sometimes only put up the important bits of the episodes or in other words the parts where their ship interacts. SUPEREDITS FTW. I LOVE THIS ABOUT YOUTUBE, because really, who cares about anything else? Mark and Lexie shippers did not let me down and I devoured their scenes. Trust me I was as surprised as you are about this post, flist.

They were funny, awkward, flirty, friends at first, friends with some UST, then they had the ~forbidden angle because Meredith said so and Big Sloan does not go near Little Grey, but Mark pfffffted that rule and they made. out. and. had. sexy. times. KEPT ON HAVING SEXY TIMES. GREW TO REALLY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP DURING THESE SEXY TIMES. It was amazing. Their relationship grew with an easiness that you just don't normally find on this show with it's ghost-boyfriends-that-are-really-tumors and ex-wives and ~inner angst. Mark and Lexie were like this corner of normalness and adorbleness that kicked me in the teeth with it's cuteness and I was powerless.

Out of all this I came out LOVING LEXI GREY. YEAH, I SAID IT. ~LEXIPEDIA WAS MY HOMEGURL. She's adorably neurotic (she's a Grey, duh!) and earnest and kind. I love how she still feels awkward in regards to where she stands with Meredith at times--does the show remember they're sisters?--and that when she and Mark broke up in s6 (btw, I stopped watched s6 after this moment. Iol, I just don't care about anyone else on the show save Owen Hunt [KEVIN MCKIDDDDDDDDDDDD] but as amazing as Hunt is he's just not enough to me interested when I see Mark and Lexie being all apart and ~angsty in the background./tangent) it was her decision because she needed to focus on herself and her life. And yes it sounds selfish but fuck that, everybody on this show is selfish sometimes. And Mark got that. Mark understood they were at different places in their lives and while he still loved her he respected her decision (even if that proposal was questionable and maybe the worst after Edward Elric's.)

But then I also love how Mark looks at her sometimes. LIKE THE FREAKING SUN AND MOON ARE HUNG IN HER EYES. He looooooves her and it's so fucking wonderful to witness because shit guys Mark Sloan is a stone fox and ugh the way he looks at her I'm surprised she doesn't jump him every single chance she has.

Season 5 was perfect for them. PER.FECT. I live in a tiny little world in season five where they are my centre and everything thing else happens in relation to them. Everything, even Meredith and Derek, and they make me REALLY LIKE/TOLERATE MEREDITH AND DEREK. THAT IS MAGIC OF LEXIE GREY AND MARK SLOAN. In this world their relationship and the growth of it was one of the more perfect and organic ones I've witnessed on tv.


501-502. Friendship! Impressed with each other. Awwwww.

503. THEIR FACES. Before this final scene at the bar I was all 'okay, they're friendly with each other. He's not giving great advice on her crush but he's being nice to her and ~friends'. Then they fricking smiled like that at each other and it was like: BANG. WHY AREN'T YOU BANGING.

509. Mark's crush on her is so hilarious/cute and actually brings about nice moments between him and Derek. Lol Big Sloan/Little Grey.

510. the top group is hilarious to me. She legit doesn't know what he's ~struggling with. OH THE DIRTY THOUGHTS IN MARK SLOAN'S MIND, LOL.. Then she goes to his hotel room and seduces him with the "teach me" line which still makes me lol a little, but it was right for Lexie who at the time still felt so out of her depth in this hospital that her sister rules. In the end I love how Mark (kinda really) tired to not sleep with her, out of his loyalty to Derek which while I get I always found ridiculous. In the end they just give in and sexy times. Yay!

511. ~GOING TO DENVER~ Grey always has these purple lines for moments like this and while they don't always make sense they work. He's talking a shot and yeah.

Being adorable. <3

512. MRS. SHEPPARD'S APPROVAL. IT'S GREAT. Then Mark's speech to Callie is equally great but hey look who's waiting for him. I loved their secret dating.

Other adorable moments happen in season five: pinky holding, after Mark and Derek fight and M/L have a moment which is adorable, meeting her dad, etc. However my cap find skills for s5 ran out. Just know: season five was TOTALLY THEIR HIGH POINT.

Then season six happened and idonttalkaboutit (mostly bc I stopped watching after they broke up. Actually, a little before that because I could see the break up coming and then it happened and things happened. Lexie looked good, and completely different, as a blonde. And there was grand kid and a shooting and I didn't watch this season. (They should have had one hook up when she was blonde.)


601-602. George dies and they have a twisty laugh moment, but most importantly SHE MOVES IN. If only I had know this was the beginning of the end. D:


608. PARTY CUTENESS. I love them in this episode, they're just so together and like settled in their relationship and it's lovely. They party plan for their friends and are somehow the steady, stable relationship of the show. For about two minutes.

Then the daughter/grandkid/break up plot line happens and Lexie dyes her hair and idek know what happened after this party. Only what YT tell me. So I stopped watching here.

SOOOOOO. When I heard that they were kinda having moments in s7 I was like YOUTUBE ARE YOU GONNA LET ME DOWN AGAIN? It didn't. Granted their first moment is suitably sad to watch but the rest. It's like season five, redux, except you know how good they can be and you're just yelling at the tv MAKE OUT ALREADY!!!!! At the same time though I liked how they were slowly building them back up. I love seeing them just be friends and getting back to that place where they stare at each other like there's no one else in the room. Spoiler: they do in 7x10. 7x10 is the culmination of where they've been heading since they broke up. Lexie getting to that point emotionally that she feels that despite everything she knows makes their relationship difficult she's ready for it, which she might be. Idk they've only been back together for one episode. Mark seeing that too, that she's closer to being where he is but she's still not there yet. Them being like fuck that shit we're totally stupid for each other, we both know it, let's own it and figure shit out on the way. They still need to get to a common ground in terms of what they want in their lives but THEY'RE BACK TOGETHER FALALALALALALA.

I LOVED THAT THEY WERE BACK TOGETHER. GREY'S, YOU SUCKED ME BACK IN WITH THEM. I love Callie but please don't let the baby plotline break M/L up. I mean, didn't you guys do that last season but with Mark's daughter and her baby? RST CAN WORK HERE PEOPLE!! Callie/Arizona+Mark/Lexie family times!!!!!!!

AND BY NOW THIS ENTIRE POST IS WORTHLESS, LOL. GOD, SHOW, YOU MADE ME SHIP THESE TWO AND NOW IT'S LIKE TORTURE TO SEE THEM. YOU HAD BACK TO BEING SHINY AND HAPPY FOR ABOUT TWO EPISODE BEFORE YOU JUST TOSSED THEM OUT AGAIN. There was a quote I saw that said "in an ideal world if not for the shooting, the grand kid and Callie's pregnancy they are perfect for each other." and FFFFFFUUUUUU SHOW. Then there was another quote from the writers, but I'm not sure, that said, "with all that been thrown at them and where they are now it feels pretty impossible for them to get back to where they were before with each other". And yes, that makes sense, but! You had them going back to a point where they could work and then decided not go there? Because of what? Idek what the writers of this show are smoking as the musical episode proved but it's like they don't remember what they planned to do in the first place. WHATEVER, I'M GONNA LIVE IN MY DELUSIONAL WORLD WHERE AFTER SEASON FIVE EVERYTHING WAS SHINY. BUT!


(Side note: they have a cute exchange in 707(?) about him checking her out, but um, I had no caps for that. Just be aware it happened and it was why I started watching this season.)


711. Sexy times! His face after she says "i love you" and that she's there and she's going to wait for him until he's done. It's all sweet and why I loved them in season five. Ofc they break up one episode later. UGH, SHOW WHY DO YOU DO THIS IF YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE IT AWAY. faaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiil.

~things have happened after the second break up but lol idc4them (fyi: I'm fine with Lexie/Jackson, but that's not the point here.)

718. They're still broken up but I loved how she went to look for him and support him during everything that was happening with Callie. Then there was singing and hair stroking and in my mind this would have been the same had they still been together which is why I kept it in.

So, that's it. Idk how this show sucked me back in only to spit me back out feeling even more annoyed with it than I did after I first stopped watching, but it managed. They're like a Perisher's sing at the moment, really pretty but oh so sad. In fact I was listening to "Nothing Like You and I" the entire time I was posting this because it's practically my anthem for them by now. Only one good thing came from all this and that is: GIVING ME WEEKLY KEVIN MCKIDD. I didn't talk about him enough in his post but omg this man. HEARTS FOREVER. I don't even know what his story is on the show save: army -> christina -> PSTD -> bff teddy -> married christina -> sings. It's a shame that he's speaking in an American accent because his Scottish one is sexy as shit. He's singlehandedly the reason I rewatch Percy Jackson and the Olympians. POSEIDON IS HOT AS FUCK. Trust me if I had a .gif of that scene I would spam you with it too.

please don't steal/repost. If I feel like posting them on tumblr I'll do so in due time.

!picspam, whims are dangerous, ship: mark/lexie, word vomit

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