Or as I like to call it, Daniel and Vala meet and proceed to make amazing faces at each other and be awesome for about 45 mins. I swear even if Vala hadn't come back, this is all I would have needed to ship them. <3 <3 them. This is literally one of my favourite episodes EVER of any tv show. In fact it will make another appearance if I ever have finish my top fives in the episode category. Done for
daniel_vala's monthly "Prometheus Unbound" Challenge. I didn't officially sign up for a day because my ficcing and spamming mojo comes and goes, so I didn't want to commit and come up dry when the time came. (
sparktober, you're next!! I'm thinking top five episodes/moments.)
So yeah, this is an overview picspam of the episode and omg it kinda sucked making it because I accidentally deleted the spam with the original colouring and the second one didn't come out pretty as I wanted it too. SADFACE.
I didn't mean for commentary to occur, but here we go! Just look at this first meeting! She's just taken over an entire battle cruiser by herself and then captures Daniel, like the bamf she is. I live for Daniel's face when he realises that the Krull warrior is really a sexy space pirate. EPIIIIIICCCC. Then we have her smile. Oh Claudia Black. <3 <3
They have such amazing banter from the get go. Michael Shanks, Claudia Black, I LOVE YOUR FACES.
But Dr. Jackson won't do what the sexy space pirate asks of him. SO SHE SHOOTS HIM IN THE ARM. IT'S HOT, GUYS. THEN SHE GETS (HER CLEAVAGE) ALL UP IN HIS FACE AND HEALS HIM. She can do this because she used to be a Goa'uld host. ENTER AWESOME BACKSTORY INTRO. All of a sudden she isn't just a random ass space pirate, she's someone who has had her body taken away from her, which she gained back. And she's still kicking ass. Vala Mal Doran, you are my animal spirit.
So things happen and long story short, Daniel gets out of his hold. He decides to stop Vala's hijacking of the ship. This? IS A BAD DECISION. Why? Because Vala wants the ship. They fight over it. It's the most amazing fight. A fight I've already
picspamed at length here. They also kiss during this fight. Like I said, best ever.
So Daniel "wins" the fight and he thinks he can get out of the deal that Vala made for the ship. OH YOU SIMPLE LOVELY MAN. Spoiler: He can't. Hijinks ensue.
The hijinks are ensuing and cue SPACE BATTLE. Daniel literally has to carry Vala because our girl is a survivor, she's gonna get the hell out of dodge. But she gives in, kinda, and they win said space battle with some help for other people, but we don't really care about them, lol.
The main plot of the episode ends. But we still have Vala, who is technically now a fugitive and held in lock up on the ship because, you know, she tried to steal it. TOO BAD SHE ESCAPES, LIKE A BOSS. There's a great cap of Daniel at the end looking out the window as Hammond tells him that their "prisoner" has escape, his face is this amazing mixture of annoyed, amused and kinda impressed. Then the episode ends. And you don't think you'll ever meet this wonderful, amazing, space pirate again, expect. SEASON NINE HAPPENS. Joy to the world and all that. ;)
I'm planning a prettier graphic for the top five spam, so I don't know why anyone would want to take this one.