Sneaking in some quick internet time while by bff is sleeping to post the next top five. :D Beside that I suckered her into watching True Blood, haha, and oh show! Eric and Pam just keep on proving why they're my favourites, Russell and Talbot OMG STILL RIDICULOUS BUT AMAZING, and Sam and Tara, never stopped shipping it, never gonna. (Oh and I got a new moodtheme, which I love. TOOOOOPPPH.)
THE RED SKY. I love the red sky because up until that moment everything good or bad the Vs had done was so subtle,
but then BAM LOOK UP, THE SKY IS RED. This is V statement, and we don’t know what it means yet. Is this good?
is this bad? We don’t know. All we know is that this is the first step the Vs have made that really show how much power
they have, how much control humans have given them.
THE SCIENTIST ARCH. This was very, very important in the original, so well done for bringing it back.
JOSHUAAAAAAAAAAAAA. I love this character so fucking much. When he first showed up he felt like a throwaway character but in
each episode his role in the show and with the team just grew and grew to the point he's become a very vital part of the show. Plus,
his resurrection! I can't wait to see what has is going to happen there.
Lisa and Erica! Wow, their interactions went from okay to OMG MORE YOU TWO.
THE TEAM. I love this bamfy hotass team. Erica is their leader and they all seem to understand it. They all have their own motivations
for the reasons they've chosen to fight the Vs, and these motivations don't always coincide but they still fight, together.