mucho tv

Oct 16, 2009 14:46

Big ass post about shows. I caught up on a lot of stuff and then watched a lot more stuff. There was good, bad and whatever the hell is in between.

Here’s the thing with me and Glee: I like the music. That said, I’m not a fan of most of the plot and character decisions they’ve been making since the pilot. I don’t care about Will and Emma, or Will and Terri; the pregnancies plot lines irk me and generally the only time I really pay attention is when the singing happens. BUT, but then, these kids start singing to each other, for each other, yeah, I can admit that I love it. This week when they sang FOR Quinn and they kept giving her such sad-but we love you-faces and basically telling her it was all going to be okay and that they were going to be there for her. My heart melted. Kurt spun her and gave her the sweetest look ever, Rachel was practically serenading her, and then there was hand holding and even though nobody outright said this song was for Quinn they all knew it and it was beautiful. I’m a sap sometimes.

There was also secret jams because they missed singing together as they’ve all kinda become BFFs and want to hang out and blast out Nelly to each other. Yeah, that was kinda awesome too.

So yeah, a lot of Glee irks me, on a good day, but then the little bits that don’t annoy me keep me coming back.

Another show that falls into a similar grouping as Glee is Dollhouse. After the very strong s2 premiere, it’s just gone down hill for me. I don’t care about Echo and her glitches and growth. Where is CLAIRE, people? She’s the bestest and about ten time more interesting than Echo. When Boyd and Adelle gave her a shout out in the last episode? I squeed. It was also the second best thing in the episode, the first being Victor dance of awesomeness and the resulting hug/head patting that occurred with Paul. OMG, finally a scene in which I liked Paul. It was crazy and I was shocked.

I also like Crazy Uncle Tigh coming in and getting smacked down by Paul and Adelle. Helo and Tigh, round two! And we declare Helo the winner on account that Tigh was smacked into a tree.

And those have been the only good bits since the first ep of s2.

I get what the show is trying to do/show/make us think about but I just don't care for the method they do it.

And that brings me to SGU. I saw the third episode and if I thought it reminded me of BSG before, when we saw the mirage!Priest and then the mirage!chruch, and *then* the air shortage plot line- yeah, I couldn’t even separate the two for a second. Thing is, it could have been a perfectly good episode, if it wasn’t for the fact I had felt I watched it before.

I still like TJ best of all, but the real star of the episode for me was Chloe’s mother. HOLY HELL, was I rooting for her when she basically said, “if you don’t get me my daughter back, I will open up a can of whup ass on you and you’re little Stargate program. So get her back. Now.” Awesome moment.

But let’s move on from the mediocre shows and to the awesome ones.

FRINGE! Continues to kick ass, in two realities! Last week we had Walter endorse cannbis, flirt with an ex-student, Olivia got to see Spock, Peter glowed, and not!Charlie died. Ironically the not!Charlie death made me sad because it was a like double Charlie death. For all the characters he died, for the first time, but it was his second death in my Charlie loving heart and that made me sadface.

Olivia being the One and The Gatekeeper (is Peter the Keymaster, are the Big Bads called Zul?! Answers, world!) was awesome and I loved her entire scene in alt!world with William Bell. She was a total and complete badass.

This week was a little less full of wacky happenings in alt!world. Still, when Walter begged Peter to let him go back to Boston because Seattle smelled wet and reminded him of St. Claire’s just about broke my heart. Then him using the agent as his test subject after he promised Peter no students was so perfect and hilarious.

I like the little scene with Olivia, Peter and their uni t-shirts. I don’t really ship them all that much, I think they make awesome friends and partners and omg, finally a show that doesn’t have the stifling UST umbrella covering their leads (Bones, I’m looking at you). They have cute moments, sure, but it’s kinda clear they don’t see each other in romantic ways and I *like* that. They’re partner-friends and it works fine like that.

LOVED the shout out to Charlie, because Charlie was AWESOME and I’ve been mourning him, but now the show has caught up and Olivia is mourning him too. It’s going to be okay, Livie, Charlie says so! (Plus he’s totally alive in alt!world, he can’t not be, and that makes me happy.)

The insight to Peter’s dreams was interesting and while it’s totally mental-gleaned canon that Walter stole our!Peter from alt!world, now we have visual-proof! OH, Walter, I bet that guilt eats you up inside and while I’m usually sympathetic to you because you’re awesome in your crazy, you *stole* your Peter from alt!Walter’s world and that’s mean.

(To which, part of me totally believes that alt!Walter is the Big Bad of alt!world. Can’t you just imagine the Walters face off! I also believe that alt!Walter has William Bell like status in his world.)

I haven’t heard too much about FF, maybe bc most of my flist doesn’t watch it or whatever. But I like the show. It’s scifi-y and smart and I like most of the characters. I loved the opening this week, with the happy music and watching everything go to shit during it. It appealed to my musical and visual senses. The rest of the ep was good, imho. Not so much have to do with the craziness behind the black out, but more of how people are dealing with it, but it was okay. There wasn’t any big Awesome moment, expect at the end when you learn that Charlie and Norrington are evil masterminds. I can get behind that. Even if I don’t think Norri is all that evil or mastermindy, but dude, he helped cause the blackout. OOOOH.

Last week was cool with the dead crows, possible past Blackouts, and seeing Demetri being all cute and hot with his fiancee. He was so sad when he heard about the wedding because he knows that if she saw a wedding, it might not, and possibly, isn’t with him and that’s sad because they look so in love and happy together. UNLESS, he did a Vaughn fake out ala s4/5 of Alias and it really is him, but he just doesn't know it. Maybe he's BLIND. Yes, he could be blind as a result of whoever tried to kill him and *that's* why he couldn't see. I want Demetri to be happy and alive.

I loved Janis during the whole Nazi-freedom plot line. I like how she stuck to her guns and while they ultimately agreed to let the guy go, she was unhappy with Mark about it.

Finally, MERLIN. OH, SHOW. Me and LG squeed about it, so I’m cut gonna c/p some bits. The important bits that weren’t us talking about how we need to test all the coffee in London to see which is the best. That’s another post.

SO, Merlin. Arthur and his sadface and jealous!face and I totally love you but can't!face. *squishes* Bradley James can act sonnets with his face. And then Gwen and Lancelot were so fricking epic and I'm totally not!shipping them but I am but then I feel guilty about Arthur so I backtrack and it's all a big emotionally confusing mess.

This season Angel has just been rocking it so damn much. So damn much. She played Gwen perfectly in the episode, especially with the knowledge that if Morgana got back home safely, Uther would never send anyone after her. But did she break down? NO. She stood her ground as Gwen always does and I loved her so much in the episode.

Morgana wasn’t in a lot of the episode, but the bits she WAS in were so bloody fantastic I can’t even. She plotted her escape and it WORKED and there was sword fighting and running through the forest and she didn’t even really the rescue, expect for you know, a nice coat after the running through the forest. Then she got back and the first she does is stand up against Uther and tell him “get [my] Gwen back. NOW.” When that doesn’t work, as we all knew it wouldn’t, she goes to Arthur (who is already packing- loved that bit!) and they since they see eye to eye, she’s proud. When she tells him to bring Gwen home is a lovely moment played perfectly between Bradley and Katie. Then Gwen comes home and it’s HUG TIME. I love hug time.

Seriously, I’m a sucker for hugs sometimes. Sparky and DV gave me a hug complex I think, because I love when ships, romantic or other wise, give each other emotionally driven and pretty hugs. Hell, you should have seen me when Aang and Zuko hugged in the last ep of Avatar and they’re not a ship for me at all. But that hug was three seasons in the making and yay, HUGS.

Back to Merlin. While good old Merls was mostly comedic relief in this ep it was great when he used his powers in front of Lancelot bc Lance knows and thinks it’s awesome and someone knows about Merlin’s powers beside Gaius. His sadfaces were also rather epic bc he knows how Arthur feels about Gwen, and how Lance feels about Gwen, and how Gwen feels about Lance, and how there’s Stuff between Arthur and Gwen now, and he just wants his friends to be happy, but they’re all emotionally messed up so all he can do is give sadface and be there. OH, sweetie! *Pets* Cutest bit though, after the hug, was the last scene “you’ll always have me.” AWWWWW. Merlin wants to be Arthur’s person (it’s a Grey’s Anatomy ref, for all that giving wtf faces)! He so does! You know Gwen and Morgana are each other’s Person, but Arthur doesn’t have one and Merlin wants to be it.

tv: dollhouse, tv: glee, reax, tv: fringe, tv: gateverse, oh show!, tv: flashforward

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