I kept wondering what to do for the current
picspammy challenge (you know, besides the obvious Aeryn/Vala/Shazza one I've been thinking about) and I kept coming up short.
There already are some very awesome ones and I really couldn't find something that clicked, but then I was watching The West Wing season 6 and "King Corn" came on. If I ever had a lightbulb moment. *G*
Sadly, I couldn’t use all the caps (the gorgeous, gorgeous caps) I wanted, but this way the picspam wouldn't be uneven. I’m thinking of making Matt Santos/Vinick’s Day too, because they were really shafted here and I had such pretty caps for them too. Or even the opening/ending scenes because those caps were also pretty.
In the end I went with Josh and Donna since their days mirrored each other the best.
caps from
_jems_; please don't steal
commets are love