
May 25, 2009 21:40

Name your 15 absolutely favorite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms.

1. Vala/Daniel (SG-1)
2. John/Elizabeth (SGA)
3. Zoe/Wash (Firefly)
4. Chuck/Sarah (Chuck)
5. Kyle/Sarah (Terminator)
6. Rogue/Remy (X-men)
7. Peter/River (Heroes/Firefly, personal craziness/fanon; LG knows what I'm talking about! *EG*)
8. Juliet/Sawyer (LOST)
9. John/Aeryn (Farscape)
10. Xander/Cordelia (BtVS/Angel)
11. John/Kate (Terminator)
12. Pepper/Tony (Ironman)
13. Selina/Bruce (Batman Returns)
14. Annie/Jack (Speed)
15. Maria/Michael (Roswell)

Okay, this was harder than I expected, mostly because I went with my "timeless" ships. Some of the main ones that didn't end up making the list was Lauren/Sark (Alias) and Jack/Irina (Alias). I didn't even touch Merlin, because I multiship SO MUCH there and they're all pretty equal, so it wouldn't have been fair and I was trying to stick to different fandoms. (FYI though: Merlin/Morgana, Morgana/Arthur, Merlin/Arthur.) There's also a bunch of anime ships I didn't include I won't bore you all with. eta: OMG, I can't believe I forgot Han/Leia! They were one of my first ships ever. *FAILAGE*They should totally be up there! (thanks to Lanna bc it was she that made me see the error I made. *facepalms*)

Right, so, peeps, what trends do you see?

meme, word vomit

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