Yesterday I went to see Star Trek and for someone with a non-Trek background like me, save a couple episodes and Nemesis, the film did a pretty good job of introducing and making me care about the characters. Not to mention
it was funny! So there was fun to be had.
The WHOLE thing was an AU!!! A time-travel AU! YES. *fist pump* (This is the only way I can get over that they killed an entire race, because the Vulcans? ONTD. That's Spock's homeworld, yo! Uncool.)
I like the film, a lot, but the overall plot arc missed something for me. Engaging, sure. Full of awesome actions scenes, definitely, but using blackholes and the You Killed My Planet Revenge Plot devices felt a little worn to me. Nero, as a bad guy, was creepy looking, but his motivation didn't grip me. Sorry Eric Bana. And don't think I don't remember the Rambaldi Ball of Doom, JJ! You can call it "Red Matter" all you want, it's the Rambaldi Ball of Doom and you know it! Oh, well. I chose to focus on the cool action scene and the other characters and their emotional arcs.
The silence in space thing was AWESOME though. Just how everything, noise wise, suddenly stopped and all you could focus on was the awesome, awesome prettiness. Wow. The scene when they blew up the singularity and the SPACE-DIVING? *flails* The space diving kicked so much ass.
The whole thing was so beautifully shot. The helm of the Enterprise? OMG, shiny! It seriously just gleam with pretty lights and coolness. And the cast! Pretty cast that just made the pretty film all the PRETTIER, and well acted. Seriously, Chris Pine owned the role of Kirk. Even his dad, for all of those twelve minutes, was great. The only way he could have been greater was if
Ryan McPartlin aka Awesome! played him, because I could not stop imagining him in the role, but that just might be my Chuck fangirl talking. ANYWAY. But that moment as he was saying goodbye to his family was heartbreaking. I loved the cast.
Chris Pine was HOT AS HELL getting beat up all the time he wasn't acting like an ass, but I just LOVED him all the more. Bar fights, slouching in the chair -- "out of the chair!" LOL, "beating" the "unbeatable" test, being all Last Man on the Ice Planet of Hoth fighting the Ton-Tons? He was so Solo! And the he meet Nimory!Spock! I just about DIED. And then they were BFFs and it was awesome. When N!Spock told him about his dad? His face! I just wanted to hug him! Plus there was mind-melding and is it wrong I wanted more of these two? They were just great together.
BONES. OMG, MY LIFE HAD NOT BEEN COMPLETE UNTIL NOW. He was the Best! From his first scene where he was "air pocket=DEATH. Wanna a drink?" I just wanted to hang out with him for the entire film. He and Jim were total BFFs, I can totally image them in Starfleet Academy and whenever Jim came home hungover Bones would test out "hangover remedies" on him, because he's a doctor and cares like that. When he kept injecting Jim and the OMG!face from the allergic reaction? Fan-freakin-tastic. Bones is the best! (And yeah, I might be totally shipping him with
Carrie from Alias, because I totally squeed when I saw her and what? Do not try to understand my fangirlish mind!)
Sulu was another favourite! WITH HIS FOLDOUT SWORD AND FENCING. He totally had left the parking break on, but hey, SWORD. He made up for it and he was quietly awesome, letting all these other crazy kids be crazy because he has a sword and thus already knows he's awesome.
Chekov was amusing with his "I play video games and thus can save Sulu and Kirk with my mad skills" and "Wictor! Wictor!".
SCOTTY. I thought there was someone missing for most of the film, because I knew there was someone Paul McGilligon was supposed to play, but they gave it to someone else and I didn't know who, then Scotty came in. Suddenly everything seems to make click. Of course then Scotty and Kirk were BFFs, and N!Spock gave him vital information about his beaming equation that somehow doesn't mess with space/time, which we later realise was it doesn't really matter because N!Spock was just playing Jim so that he and Q!Spock could learn to be BFFs without the whole "we already are, so catch a clue Q!Spock" rant Jim had been prepping. But back to Scotty, he was hilarious. Totally fanboying the Enterprise and it's wacky-kick ass crew.
The Spocks were both awesome in their own ways. I will admit Quinto!Spock was overshadowed by Nimory!Spock a little, but you can't help it it's NIMORY. He can't help but own it. The first "Live long and prosper, (bitches!)" that Q!Spock said to the Vulcan council, lol!, I thought he was going to cut a bitch Slyar style. You do NOT diss his mother because he will beat your ass, true story. I didn't quite buy Winona as his mother, I think the casting here could have been better, but she did a good job. Their first scene was touching and when he reaches out as they're getting beamed out and she falls (well, cheap plot move, but whatever) and he calls out and they're all back on the Enterprise and he's still reaching out, but she's not there and his eyes are just breaking your soul. (Randomly: Q!Spock was totally geeking out on his future ship, but of course in his own Spock way, "Fascinating!" = "OMG, AWESOME." *nods*) Then just about every moment between him and Uhura! But before I got on about that, let me just say: N!Spock WINS AT AWESOME. Every scene he was in was just wonderful and win. I wanted one last scene with him, Q!Spock and Kirk and Jim being all "I like old you better, he's nicer to me and doesn't ground me on an ICE PLANET." Then the Spocks would be "That's illogical for we are the same person." Seriously, who doesn't think that whenever they have a weekend off Jim goes back to Earth to visit his mother and then goes to visit N!Spock because N!Spock isn't hanging out with his girlfriend the whole time and tells Jim how awesome he is. Right? *is crazy* To which, if Spock left Uhura behind in the TOS!verse, I'm sad now because he's all alone (save Jim and 10,000 Vulcans) in 09!verse and they're all so young.
But the gem in this film that completely snuck up on me was Spock/Uhura! RST and doing the job and being overall wonderfulness. I've read a couple posts that haven't been so much with the squee about them, but WHATEVER. They're awesome and Uhura is not that girl who lets herself be all meek and a doormat in a relationship. She's totally the one wearing the pants in this relationship, and their chemistry is off the walls. I was half expecting them to have dirty transporter sex and well this is why we have
fic! Every moment they had was lovely. (And just because I snickered: Jim's "dude, they're together?" face was GOLD. But then he got over it in that same minute and was like "they're together, I can mock!" like a good best friend would. It was cool, well done Jim.) Spock won't comment on her first name! HEE. Uhura totally wears the pants.
I do think Uhura was underused, relegated to the Girl role for a lot of scenes, but she was awesome. She backs up Jim about the Klingon issue without blinking and is not afraid to tell him he's being an idiot. Her scenes with Spock were gorgeous because she was so together in them. She doesn't freak out, she gets the job done. Uhura rules.
All they all saved the day and had happy moments at the end, completely with pretty lights and Nimory voice over! *claps* And since it's all a new reality, it really allows fic writers to play with it without feeling too much of the weight of TOS.
The film was enjoyable and fun. I was happy with it. Plus, pretty.