writing: fandom 2008

Jan 04, 2009 12:44

2007 Fanfiction Review.

Now rehearsed we stay, love; SG-1, Daniel/Vala; PG. (technically the very last fic of 2007, but it wasn't included in that list.)

Somewhere Only We Know; SG-1, Teal'c, implied Daniel/Vala; PG-13.

To Feel The World Is Solid; SGA, John/Elizabeth; NC-17.

Images Of Broken Light; BBC: Robin Hood, Robin/Much; R.

An Expected Life; Heroes, Nathan, Meredith, baby Claire; PG-13.

Craving; SG-1/SGA, Elizabeth & Vala; PG.

It Was Simple Then; SGA/Heroes, Elizabeth & Nathan Petrelli; PG-13.

Rescues; So Over Rated; SGA/Heroes, Elizabeth & Claire; PG.

Weekend Work; SGA, Elizabeth/John; R.

Taste of Something More; SG-1/SGA, Elizabeth/Cameron; PG.

Creative Negotiator; SG-1/SGA, Elizabeth/Jack; PG-13.

All Sparks; SG-1/SGA, Elizabeth/Teyla/Cameron; NC-17.

Languor; SG-1/SGA, Elizabeth Weir/Cameron Mitchell; NC-17.

angel by your side, but a devil on her way; Firefly/Heroes, River/Peter; R

Present Sense Impression; SG-1, Daniel/Vala; R.

Two Guys (For Every Girl); SG-1, Daniel/Jack/Vala; NC-17.

Five Times Cameron Mitchell catches Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran Making Out; SG-1, Daniel/Vala; PG-13.

SG-1 does Valentine's Day; SG-1, gen; PG-13.

it’s a smile, just a smile, a playful smile; SG-1/SGA, John/Vala; PG.

valley of ashes; SG-1/SGA, Jack & Elizabeth. PG.

Living To Your End; T:SCC, John/Kate, Cameron; PG-13.

What to others a trifle appears...; BBC: Robin Hood, Robin & Much; G.

A belief which leaves no place for doubt is not a belief; it is a superstition; Heroes, Sylar/Maya; R.

What The Thunder Said; Firefly, River & Mal; PG.

a girl's gotta do...; SG-1, Daniel/Vala; NC-17.

Waiting Without You; SGA, John/Elizabeth; NC-17.

love is a matter of faith; SG-1; Vala/Sha're; PG-13.

Keeping Up; SG-1/SGA, Vala/Jack/Elizabeth; PG-13.

Set The Fire To The Third Bar; SG-1, Jack, heavy Daniel/Vala undertones; PG-13.

wouldn’t it be nice to live in a world where we belong; SG-1, Jack/Vala; light R.

Our Theories Couldn't Explain It All; SGA, John/Elizabeth; R.

At Sunset; SGA, John/Elizabeth; R.

we fall fast, mercy me it’ll never last; SCC, Sarah; PG-13.

Black Ops; SG-1, Vala Mal Doran; PG.

Spun Sugar and Maths; Firefly, River & Kaylee; PG.

The Waxing Night Of A Lantean Summer; SGA, Elizabeth(/John); NC-17.

Across The Table; SCC, Derek & Cameron; PG.

- aliens. They’re real?; Fringe/SGA, gen; PG.

Same Story, Told Twice; SG-1, Daniel/Vala; PG-13.

We Don't Pray That Way; SG-1; gen, apocofic; PG-13.

Easy Complexity; SG-1, Cam/Vala; NC-17.

We Did A Bad, Bad Thing; SG-1, Daniel/Vala; NC-17.

Kettles (Nothing Boils Even With Eyes Closed); Chuck, Sarah & Ellie; PG.

* written with little_giddy:

comfort is the night gone black, the crazy; SCC/Heroes, crack!fic; PG-13.

Like Spinning Plates; Heroes/SCC, John/Claire; PG-13.

Lost In The Veins Of This City; SGA, John/Elizabeth; R.

* and the still continuously brain-breaking AU:

Chains of Freedom; SG-1, Daniel/Vala, team; NC-17.

Total Stories: 46 completed, 47 if you count Chains, which is my WIP of death.

My favorite story this year: Wow, I think it definitely has to be Lost In The Veins Of This City for many reasons, not the least of which that is was written with little_giddy and the process just really melded our brains together forever. Beside that I'm just really proud of what we created with this fic, the Veins universe lives so richly and fully in our minds. It just wasn't building this one story, it was building a world where we gave new lives to all our characters. And I do mean all of them.

Now for the non co-written fic it would be Set The Fire To The First Bar. After I wrote this fic, I took a long break from writing another 1k+ Daniel/Vala fic, not for any particular reason than I had a lot going on, but if this had been my last D/V fic of the year I would have been *happy*. The fact that it's from Jack's pov made it an interesting challenge, but god, when Jack starts talking he does not shut up. Still he let me just delve into the D/V relationship from another pov, which was fun.

My best story this year: Again, I think I have to go with Lost In The Veins Of This City. It was just really the biggest undertaking of the year and I'm really, really, really proud of it.

Just me: Probably We Don't Pray That Way. I wrote it for apocalypse_kree and despite the slow start of it, it ended up taking off and breaking the 10k mark and my expectations for it. It was a team fic I've been wanting to write for ages and I'm pretty happy with it. Runner up: Images Of Broken Light.

My worst story this year: Worst... such a harsh word, but the story I'm least happy with would have to be Somewhere Only We Know. It really was just a half thought out, written thing I more or less polished up to get out my WIP folder. I think the idea behind the fic was so much more poignant than the fic itself. What ya gonna do? *shrugs*

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Oh, Chains still makes the cut here, but it's still half finished so yeah, I can let it go. (For now.) But otherwise, I think generally all my non SGverse fics or the less popular pairings I dabble in. My poor other fandoms. *squishes them*

Story I wrote that I never thought I'd write: Easy Complexity! Hands down. Anyone that knows me knows I'm not really a Cam/Vala shipper (even if I think BB and CB are hot as freaking hell on Farscape, but that's another post) so this fic was so completely out of left field for me. And I owe it all to sg_rarepairings, it showed me I *can* write Cam/Vala, not that I think I'll ever do it again.

Most fun story to write: Lost In The Veins Of This City, because I got to write it with little_giddy and I loved the process to bits! The story might not seem the happiest thing to write, but our convos on gmail, MSN, in coffee shops made it all worth it.

Just me: Five Times Cameron Mitchell catches Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran Making Out, because come on the title says it all. Cam catching Daniel and Vala making out is always great fun, he adorable, they're adorable, and should it have ever happened in canon it would have been just awesome.

Least fun stories to write: we fall fast, mercy me it’ll never last, I was stalled so fricking bad with this fic it's not even funny. I'm pretty sure I wrote it 48 hours before it was due for the SCC ficathon and yeah, fail on me.

Hottest story this year: Well, damn, I wrote I lot more sexy time fics this year so I'm gonna have to divvy it up between Langour where Cameron Mitchell makes everyone swoon, Waiting Without You for balcony sex and We Did A Bad, Bad Thing, because damn, Daniel and Vala can make bones melt when they set out too. Out of the few threesome fics I did I'm gonna go with Two Guys (For Every Girl).

Yes, I'm indecisive. Deal.

Favorite opening lines:

1. He watches her skin. - angel by your side, but a devil on her way

2. River studied the grains of sand and then stuck her finger in them and drew the lines connecting the universe. That's what she said when Mal asked her what she was doing too. - What The Thunder Said

3. She likes his mouth, the way his mouth moves across the slope of her stomach, how it’s tongue licks the jut of her hipbone, when he rests it his on soft skin of her belly, nipping and sucking. - Langour

Favorite closing lines:

1. She takes Daniel’s hand and lifts herself up. Daniel tucks her hand into the crook of his elbow and squeezes her hand and they head out of the office as Vala’s note falls onto the floor, disturbed by the dropping of the tome onto the desk. It glides and lands gently on the floor, barely disturbing the air around it. - Now rehearsed we stay, love

2. Inside she knows Sha're is praying for her and Daniel. Vala doesn't want to tell her all there are no gods left. - love is a matter of faith

3. He manages one, a real one, despite the fact his mom is going to kill him and shrugs, "Told you it was a long story."

"Clearly." Claire still looks nervous, but she's smiling and so it can't be too bad. - Like Spinning Plates

fandom: year in review, fic: babble, meme, !fanfic

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