so I missed last week's.

Nov 18, 2008 19:23

Heroes, here we go again.

Previously on Heroes, a lot of wacky shit.

Oh, the face of god? Seriously. Well done with the subtlety there.

Hiro? TEN? Jesus-fricking-Christ. Writer's? WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING?

Oh, the hunger is Power? WOW. Let's be obvious.

Empathy? To Slyar, it does not compute.... yet.

Oh, Elle, sweetie is that you? Baby girl. *huggles* And now that we have shippy backstory for these two, let's bring on the angst.

OH, GOD. THIS AGAIN. Peter, Claire? Remember when you used to be good. Claire has a plan? Unless it involves her Bennett it won't work.

Look it's Uncle Blue Fire! And Knox.

"Defensive player of the year." *SNERK*

yes, let's go down to the sewers.

Coincidence? Oh no, Mohinder, we're not being that ambiguous.

Someone? Daddy Nakumara? OOOH. I knew I liked him.

I think Elle cut her hair. Oh, god, the vengeance card.

Daphne, how cute are you? And previous life? Oh, it's one of those back stories.

Peter telling Claire the truth of his future death? I'm kinda supportive of that. Claire not listening? She can't help it, she's a Petrelli. God, love them. Heh, Claire. SEE. Sometimes, you really need to start listening to other people.

Seriously, Claire, *that's* your argument? And see what happens when you try to be a hero? Honey. I want to be proud of you again.

Ten year old Hiro WOULD SO DO THAT.

Matt, I do adore you. Him holding Mama P's hand? AWW.

Are we still doing this, Elle? And that backstory wasn't a dream? I guess I just have to live with the pretty that is Zachary and Kristen on the screen. *sigh*

Jesus, Slyar is smoking! /punnage.

Heroes, are you seriously going here? What am I saying? Of course you are.

Tracy? I like you, but I want Niki back. Your wardrobe is fierce though. Nathan, you pretty. And your dad? So not the dad of the year.


Good boy.

Nathan's role? Destiny? Oh, being Prez. Too late, Obama took it. Gotta move faster than that, show.

New York. The World. What's next? The galaxy, come one you know he's just waiting to become Evil Overlord.

Favourite son? Oh, Petrelli Parents, you just know what you say.

Oh, shirtless Slyar? YUM.

Elle, *hugs*.

Everything else - meh.

The will to live? *HEADDESK*

Just makeout! You know that's where this is going anyway. Get us there faster, like a bandaid ripping off. Quick and painless.

Oh, he has the healing touch. Cute. And crying the Tears of Redemption. Let us aww.

OMG. PETER HOW ARE YOU BETTER WITHOUT YOUR POWAHS? It's the fringe, without the powers, the emo of them is diluted, thus making you tap into the BASSARY.

Slyar and Elle? Are just being cute!whump Okay, I can live with it, just because Zach and Kristen are cute together.

Bonding over electricity? Quaint. He's SOO PLAYING THE "TEACH ME CARD". And Elle, just fell for it. *FACEPLAM* Show, why do you do this!? Really, just have them make out, in live in pseudo-evil together, and move the fuck on.

"Gunslinger." Hee. She is really adorable and cute and all around giddy, so I can't hate on her. What can I say, I <3 Elle.

And, damn, that's a really cute smile there Slyar!Zach. I might hate the plot line, but yeah, you win points on the cute. (I'm of two minds here with these two. I thoroughly disliked last week's Slyar-Elle- Noah story line, for several reasons, but Slyar and Elle *cough*Zach and Kristen*cough* are completely making me fall for their cuteness.)

On the monitor, Papa Petrelli is inwardly evil laughing at his plan going perfectly.

Ando, remember 10 yr old Hiro? Adorable geek. Of course he would go to the comic book store.

"Snap the hell out of it." Thank you, Tracy! LOL. Oh, only with the Petrellis would you just shrug of a family member shooting you. It's how they show their love for each other. Really. I'm not kidding.

Nathan, you fly so good.

In the Office of the Head Evil Badass. Tracy, why am I not surprised? Oh, right, you're in politics. I think Papa P approves of this young lady.

Matt's getting a vision. Angela, how awesome are you?! The creepy white noise is cool.

Oh, bad!Daphne. With Papa P's shadow. DUDE, very nice. And the real wound? DUDE.

I'm curious of how Daphne was before. And it's lucky that she's cute enough that the ILY doesn't sound completely corny.

Peterlli Love. It's a killer. And wack.

Angela! The Bitch is back.

Hey Peter! Hey Claire. Whut you up to, kids? Looking for Mama P, I see.

Hiro would be hearbroken over the comic book world changing on him.

Okay, so Issac got that far in the coming book? SO WHY AREN'T MORE PEOPLE READING IT THEN? He basically told you how everything is going down, people! And you're still fumbling! FAIL.

Ooh, I like this meeting. Finally the brains are showing. Angela clearly needed to come back into play.

Oh, finally, a reason for Claire and the how Save the Cheerleader spiel. And totally makes the reason why it was Kaito handing baby!Claire to Noah in the "Company Man" flashback make so much more sense.

Nice slow-mo entrance there, Team Villains.

Nice close ups, Team "Heroes". Oh yeah, I'm keeping the quotations of disbelief on, until they make me think otherwise.

"It's coming." No, really, Arthur? The episode title didn't tip you off?

Still nice end scene(s). Very Good vs. Evil foreshadowing there.

reax, tv: heroes

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