Heroes 3x07

Oct 28, 2008 22:11

The Previouslies --- Oh, Peter. Who *badgered* him into it? But then again you're having issues not being the favourite anymore. And then you comaed him. Bad brother.

Hey, EVOL PAPA P. Bad Daddy.

Oh, Maya. Oh, Mohinder. Oh, Tracy and Nathan. Just OHs all around, bc really this is weakest plotline so far.

Ah, the awesome that is the Bennetts. And Claire, sometimes.

AWESOME Afrian!Mystery Sock. I *heart*.

Oh, now to the episode.

So Hiro, you have to go back to the past again. To when Slyar and Peter showdowned?

The Dark Sun. Or the Dark Son, because it's Heroes and they like vagueness and play on words like that. Either way, it's DARK. Dun, dun, DUN....

Mohinder.... PFFFT. Help Maya, MY ASS. Yet you still kidnap her..... Whut up here, boyo?

Oh, look, a Petrelli in a coma! Pour the drink, take a shot! Ahh, flashback to Papa P's funeral.

"Deeply flawed." Understatement of the fucking year, Angela.

Oh, look at the mindreading going on here. The Hug of Power Drain! Hey there Daddy! Oooh, you're like grounding him. Peter without his powers? How will he ever properly emo again!!?

Ah, the Greater Good. Hello again.

Oooh, so Papa's P plan isn't the make everyone special one. You know what? I'm not surprised, I didn't think it was in the first place. He really didn't seem the type to share the power, you know? This brings out who puts that formula out. As far as we know Mama P doesn't want it out either and the only other person we know messing with it is Mohinder.... soo it might be him, but we'll see. Papa or Mama could be lying but I don't think so.

YES YOU'RE INTERESTED PETER. YES. Interested = INFORMED. Information = GOOD. God, we should have brought Slyar shouldn't have we? He at least would pretend. Peter, I love you, you pretty boy, but *take a lesson.*

What has he done?! Beside take your powahs.

"Son, until you change that 'tude, you're grounded." Okay, Papa P. YOU WIN.

Nice, you're wig is getting better, Claire. Sandra, you're too adorbale.

OOOOH. What's going on there!? Lyle! Yes, worry about you're brother.

ELLE. You adorable sociopath! Ooh, blonde showdown numero dos!

LYLE. Look at you win! OH, Elle. You go about help such the wrong way, but I can't help it, I love you.

Mohinder. Maya. Papa P. Hiya.

"Have you met their mother!" PAPA. You're earning your much needed points after the whole Adam debacle. Don't think I've forgotton about that. I haven't.

Well, Mohinder, you did Web her. Maya has reason to be mad at you.

Oh, Papa, you taking her powers too. Nicely done. I think. He's totally Peter's Level Up.

Yes, Maya. With the not forgiving.

Ooh, I see what going on here. The two side of the formula. So was Papa P lying? So far I'm still not 100% about him.

Mama P! (Petrelli in a coma - take your shot!) What new dream are you having now? Oh, taking to Baby Boy Sylar. Naize.

He calls her Mama. Okay, that's cute. School him, Mama! "Stop being sorry for yourself." --- Okay, the Petrelli Parental need to tell off their kids more.

Favourite. Oh, Mama, you just said the magic words. (And this here is also, ironically, why I still don't buy the Slyar's a real Petrelli. Angela's clearly a smart woman who know just how to manipulate - and with Slyar, this is the best way, imho.)

Aww, forehead kiss! And man, I love how he makes "save Peter" sound kinda sinister.

Oh, Elle, sweatheart! *pets* Not going to Pinehearst without knowing what was up, and deciding to go to Bennett before checking it out (because he is Awesome and Badass) --- showing the BRAINS.

Claire, I really wanted to say the same. Claire, I get it, the whole not feeling human thing, but your problem compared to Elle's? Nothing! Nada.Elle, hun, you tell her.

Elle, don't. Wait for Bennett. Damn, so close.

Hey, Daphne! *waves at her cuteness* Oh, Papa P. You evil man. Maury! Show the love! Okay, maybe not. Bye, Maury. Dude, Papa P, you just like killing people.

YES. SANDRA. LISTEN, CLAIRE. Clearly you're not the one to fix it. Pinehearst will. Not looking to be a good thing. Though, you will meet your grandfather. Good luck there.

Sandra, you = awesome. Call Noah!

MATT. CALLING MOHINDER. Tell your boyfriend to get his act together! And he misses Mohinder.

Oh, Daphne. Baby. OH, MATT. Matt! How do make such corny lines sound sooo not corny! *snuggles*

Papa P. School that boy. Peter, breaking out of the shirt. How Hulk of you. Oh. No. You're having Mohinder test on Peter. Uncool.

YAY. SLYAR. Okay, I never thought I'd say that, but seriously finally. And saving his bro. Cute.

"you came for me." the slash fic, it writes itself. "it's what brothers do." the Petrellicest fic, it writes itself. The Petrelli boys, taking Bromance to a whole new level.

Oh, god, you two. Seriously. Make more eyes at each other.

Mohinder! DUDE. WOAH.

Okay WOAH again. So he really is? Damn! I was kinda hoping not, bc I'm still on the fence about it, but damn. Okay.

Waiting for him. Well, that doesn't sound good. But what does with this man.

Heh, okay, Nathan and Tracy waiting? Kinda cute, but still, shouldn't you guys I dunno do something. Calling the company. I hope they send Bennett and Meredith. *EG*

Yes, go Tracy. Help out. MAYBE NOT.

Oh, hey Bennett. OH HEY MEREDITH. *G* AWESOME.

Elle, you're cute. ELLE, YOU FRICKING TELL HER. Oh, smart Claire, goad her. The electrically charged, emotional unbalnced girl. Yes, goad her. (Seriously, Claire what is up! *unimpressed*)

All electrical equipment. Hee. OOOH. Not good. Finally a smart move! (And the femslash, it writes itself.) "You mind?" Heh.

He's still your Dad, Matt. What we've learned about parents in this show is they care, just in really messed up ways. Live it, love it.

Scared. Oh, hey Knox. Shock. Oh, GO MATT. WHAT! THE FUCK!!! NOOO THEY DIDN'T.

Please! Let it be fake! Let it be Matt! Let Hiro or someone fix it! PLEASE. Because? NO.

THANK GOD. GO MATT! Oh, look at you two. The cuteness!

Primatech. Pinehearst. Petrellis.

Are you hanging you're son, Papa? Awesome.

Oh father's and son's. Favourites. Nice. Seriously the Petrellis? Fucked up! If this true, a) I wouldn't be surprised. b) of course, they's used theirs sons in their power struggle.

Well done, Maya. Mohinder? You had those feeling for like a day.

Oh, Mohinder. *pets* Bye, Maya.

HA. Elle, you win.

Oh, Lord. Well she IS a Petrelli, Elle. They're all fucked up.

Oh fuck. "just kick his ass and get out of here." Peter! How is it that you're being awesomer without your powers.

OH SHIT. Claire! Catch him!

Or not.

Yet, he lives.

Oh, Elle. SWEETHEART. I'm not surprised at all, but still!

Heh, sounds kinda messed up when put like that, huh Tracy? Well it's more messed up than you know! Hee. Oh and it's like Fire vs. Ice. AWKWARD.

Oh, please be Claire on the phone.

Yayz. More secrets. Woo.

"Revenge is in our blood." SHOCK. *rolls eyes*

Oh, Pete, immortality? Mabbe.

Daphne, baby! Uncool.

Look, the Paire? WRITES ITSELF.

Didn't hit as hard as he should have? Oh, Papa? Or Slyar? If the latter this just proves that Sylar is soooo much better at infiltration than Peter is. Smart Sylar! SEE. This is why he's awesome.

HUG! YAYZ. I love when Nathan acts like a dad.

Burn, Claire. Burn. Something tells me we're not going to do it Peter's way. Claire doesn't buy it either.

OOh, Nathan, I like it all rugged.

Back to Africa! *G* I love this guy! The time travel paste. Delicious. Hee.

I love African!Mystery Sock. "And then?" "You wait." Win.

OOOh, so Hiro timetravels again. What wacky fun will he get up to now? *cough*bring Adam back*cough*

reax, tv: heroes

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