Monday night tv on Tuesday

Sep 30, 2008 22:44

Cut for spoilers.

YAYZ! It's back! I love Chuck! It's like Ugly Betty, light and fun and well, Awesome! Chuck is a total doll, and he's just to smitten over Sarah and he doesn't hide it, and *squees* I just adore this show. Oh, plus Ellie? I want to be a sister like Ellie.

John Casey, you are greatness. Crown Vic, ftw!

Sarah was sooo smitten too. It was great.


Mama P, I have my theories on why you're saying the things your saying, but regardless you, YOU are an evil mastermind. *bows down* Best way to stop a Villain is by turning him, right?

Bennet? YOU BADASS. Poor Weevil Jesse though, never even got a chance, but his power? Called it! *G* And Hiro's future disaster, earthquake or sound-quake, I'm just saying.

Claire, oh sweetie. Please don't go follow your Petrelli instincts and get yourself in a mess. It's what your family is know for, after all. Hello, Peter anyone? To which, Future!Peter, dude. I still applaud the badassry, but come on.

I love Daphne's and Hiro's banter. Ando and Hiro are great. *loves them*

The scene with Meredith and Claire? Favourite scene of the episode.

But the shocker was Niki. NIKI! *huggles Micah* Poor kid, seriously. Tracy? Barbara? What kind of cloning facility were you running Dr. Z? That being said, my Nathan/Niki shipper is in mourning, but I kinda hope they go with Nathan/Tracy. I know, but Ali and Adrian have great chemistry and my shipper is fine with clones. Or quintuplets or whatever they are.


Damn. SCC like to fuck with our minds. I rather liked the episode (good on the show runners to explore Summer Glau's range, to which: *hearts* her), but also, damn, they just like to fuck with our minds. And John's, obviously. (I totally think he didn't believe her in the car. He's becoming wary of her. This, I like btw.)

This was really Cameron's episode and I liked the glimpse at her background and at Alison's too. So Future!John knew her. Damn. Probably the reason he picked her model. Maybe. SCC is very good at surprising me. Still, damn.

Sarah's bit in the hospital was filler, but it was nice getting show canon on John's birth.

reax, tv: heroes, tv: chuck, tv: t:scc

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