Mar 29, 2009 02:39
I have no clue whatsoever why I am posting tonight of all nights. The last time I posted something on this thing was during the Primary where I endorsed Mitt Romney (as if my position gave any boost to the Romeney campaign). I guess since no one uses this medium of information exchange really anymore, it is safe to say the only ones to read this will be those who are actually interested in knowing about my life.
Thus far, this semester has gone into complete disarray. It started back in February when I resigned as Chairperson of the Academic Assembly of ASMSU. After weeks of nearly constant reflection, it still escapes my mind how people can act so horribly. How people you consider friends can so easily turn around and stab you in the back is beyond my thought process. Perhaps it is me being naive and over trusting.
I have a hard time believing their motive was what they claimed it to be. I was not a bad chairperson at all. A bad chairperson doesn't;
Get an assembly double the membership that it had.
Put on the first event programming the assembly has ever done.
Negotiate an increase of funds without surrendering seats in governance.
Ensure constant media coverage after no State News people came to our meetings.
Stop all harmful amendments to governance.
Begin the process to remake welcome week as it was.
Render the Accountability Measures nearly harmless.
Meet every single issue deadline.
Hold the first monthly meetings with the President.
Find a way to make useless committees worth something.
Hold the office together as the ONLY Academic Assembly person on campus during the summer.
Finally engage Academic Council and have regular students stand up and speak during meetings.
Be able to get support letters from the Board of Trustees, Sec of the Board, VP of Student Affairs, Sec of Governance, Chair of Governance, VP of Housing and Food Services, Senator Brown.
Get Mugabes degree repealed.
I guess I am rambling. I resigned to do what I thought was best for the assembly. So that those who wanted me gone, namely Central Staff, couldn't tear the assembly apart. What did I get out of it? My name was smeared in the paper, I have no job, there is no hope for me to return to ASMSU, and the Association has become politicized and torn.
The saddest thing is, the people who wanted me gone, those who conspired against me, sat in the Chief of Staffs office together and was planning a way to get rid of the Programming Board chair as well, while I was watching in the office. They honestly thought they could get away with it. They knew at that moment there was nothing I could do to stop them. What has been done has to come out.
I have to tell people the story of how I was forced into resignation. How I was harassed in the office. How people demanded me to leave without telling me what the issues were. How I was told not to come into the office anymore. How I was told by my own staff not to talk to them anymore. How they sat there smiling and laughing as I cried my heart out. No one gave a damn about what happened to me.
I wish I knew what the motive was. So many lies were said about me, from me yelling at administrators, to me blowing off meetings, if there were any real issues, they were lost in the mix of the insanity. Best of all, when the letters of support came in from the administrators they claimed I yelled at and those who I apparently blew off meetings with, they told me I was irreparably damaging the organization. Whatever it was I did, they used it against me. They didn't even have the decency to allow me to mount a defense.
In one weeks time, a bill came up to recall me citing poor job performance, a few weeks after my official job review told me what a good job I was doing. Then C staff is demanding my resignation and refuses to tell me what the issues with me are, and refuse to sit down with me and talk to me about them. Then AA staff joins in with them, citing that they don't even know what the issues are, but if C staff leaves, they see no reason to stay on with ASMSU. Then I am told all 7 of them (5 C staff members and both of my vice chairs) will be demanding my resignation at the AA meeting, which at this point they still refuse to tell me their issues with me. I resign then. I couldn't take the treatment.
Through it all, barely anyone helped me. Mandy was there through it all. The thing is, the Assembly LET IT HAPPEN. There are a few I know did what they could. I thank Raffi, Mary, Aaron, Henry, Dillon, Parita and Justin for what they tried to do. The outrage though was not enough considering what had happened.
As for those behind all of this. I know Currier, McDonald, Kline, Kotanski, Stanley, Rivard and Houghton all had a motive. Currier cant tell me she didnt know. I know she did. I know as well she wanted to run against me for Chair. I also know that she and that whole group have been close personally. I know Rivard wants more power. Right after I leave, he introduces this bill for a tuition freeze, and after it gets defeated, he goes on a university wide crusade to get it passed again and is trying to get hundreds of protesters to come to AA. Obviously motive there. Hes trying to get his name recognized.
My idea that the Academic Assembly was the House of Peers has been shattered. I guess with growth, comes politics. As an organization grows, the top positions look more and more appeasing. More and more people want them.
I do not regret running and doing what I did for the organization. I just regret I didn't see this all coming. Honestly though, if this is the way they want to act, so be it. They do not deserve what I did for them. They do not deserve the House of Peers title, and they do not deserve me. And now, I wait to watch them revert back to the state I found them in. And maybe one day, someone will come forward with as much passion and vision as I did. And for their sake, not for the sake of ASMSU, I pray they do not meet the same fate I did.
Thank God I still have God, school, my friends in the administration, family, Mandy, and my great friends in Green Spiral, Dr. Who Fan Club, and that I have the Party.