who am i?

Sep 13, 2006 08:01

So, yeah, I finally caved and got a paid account this morning. I realized that I'm not gonna' kick this fangirl habit any time soon, and that I don't do much else that needs paying for so figured 'why not'? I like lots of icons and pretty layouts and haven't used what I once thought of as my primary journal at journalscape for quite a while. So here I am.

I'm twenty-one, a total fangirl (I write fanfiction), and have been in the fandom game for at least seven years. My user name is hari_kari (harikari) and means suicide by ripping open the abdomen with a knife. I know, it's a charming name - I chose it while in one of my more 'emo' funks, obviously.

I'm not currently working (just finished up with my summer job), and am going to school. I'm an English major - kind of. I love to write all sorts of things, but mostly fanfiction. I've written for Harry Potter (Ron/Draco and some Harry/Draco) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Spander all the way!). I plan to write for Supernatural and Stargate: Atlantis eventually.

I love it when people comment on my work (good or bad). It's what keeps me writing.

Well, that's me in a nut shell.  I've gotta' take off now. I'll see you all around lj!

As of 5/14/09

I'm now nearing twenty-four and am still a total fangirl (fanfic and fanmixes).  I'm a part-time office clerk and in December I'll be graduating (so I've almost finished my first degree, still gotta' work on a second one) and getting a full time job.  I also hope to attend the Clarion writing workshop somewhere along the way.

Oh.  And I still love it when people comment on my work!  <3

who am i?

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