Icon Meme, Part One

Oct 17, 2007 10:08

I've developed a userpic... thing. Disease. Rabidness. Whatever. The fact that I'm to the point where I call them "icons" is indicative of this - as is the fact that I spent most of last night making screencaps... Anyway, there's this meme bouncing around all fandoms on LJ in which someone picks 7 of your icons that they find interesting, and has you post about them. Being as rabid as I am, I jumped on the bandwagon of two people on my flist with this, which you're probably not "supposed" to do, but hey. My lj could use two shots of levity anyway.

The meme goes like this: Comment on this post. I will choose seven userpics from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along. ...By all means, hit me!

Disclaimer for what's under the cut: if you have picky cookies set up for yourself, deny the one/s that may show up from an image at taroteca.multiply.com; it is in Russia. soundingsea gets her icons first.

This is Badtz-Maru. He was spawned in 1993 by Sanrio. Not only is he their surly, grungy, punk-ass character; he is also their music creature. Specifically, he appears to be a DJ. I identify with him and love to wear him. Besides the music thing, it's probably in large part because since I was very little people have been telling me to smile more. And there he is surrounded by Hello Kitty and Choco-Cat and that irritating dog, scowling away. (In the Hello Kitty Tarot, he is the Devil.) If anyone can tell me what the very stylized kanji or hiragana on his right says, that'd be swell. My guess is that it's the equivalent of "pppbbblllt," but it'd be neat to know for sure. ;)

by aladriana (*/me waves hi*): In the Angel episode entitled "Smile Time," Angel is turned into a puppet who looks so much like Bert it's not even funny. puppet!Angel, or whatever you'd call him/it, is somehow the cutest fucking thing I have ever seen. Chinchillas and baby seals have nothing on him. So, to find an icon that features both him and a Metallica reference? I mean, come on. Fucking YAY.

by toxicoblivion: In the second-to-last ep of the new Doctor Who's 2nd season, Martha becomes a hero, a legend; this is fleshed out in the season finale. The icon conveys this turning point. Considering her education, intelligence and bravery, I'd found her to be largely restrained up to that point. This had been frustrating because from the outset, I liked her much better than Rose. (Yes, you can all kill me now.) So when she manifested, as it were, it was vindicating.

by miz_thang88: There was this Sky One (British satellite TV) show called Hex. It is very pretty, not especially well-written, and often ridiculous in the plot-point arena. Each of the 2 seasons had a different main character; but in both, the costar was Thelma, played by Jemima Rooper. Aside from the fact that she becomes a ghost in the pilot episode -- hello invisibility, so nice to see you again >;( -- she is my favorite TV lesbian by a very wide margin. I was her for Halloween last year... um, while I'm at it, does anyone have any pictures of that? ...In this icon, I think she is in the dreams of Season 1's main character Cassie, with whom she is in love (shockingly, this was somewhat requited!), because that is how she gets laid. Cassie is a witch and can see Thelma. Upon being told to get out of her dreams, Thelma moves on to other girls at the boarding school - like I said, very silly show - so it might be someone else but I believe it's Cassie.

I got this from yaaren but neither of us knows who made it. Anyone? Bueller?
Johnny Depp is my first and longest-lived famous boyfriend. Make him extra-swishy with eyeliner, put a surprisingly intriguing Keira Knightley in the mix, and... well, lots of people find Jack Sparrow exceedingly tasty. The text is perfect. It's just a good ZOMGWTFF!!111 icon.

This is from the Halloween Tarot, published by US Games. Its artist is Kipling West. I collect tarot decks and have slightly more than 100 of them, and I read pretty well. The deck has my absolute favorite Death card:

The Death card is predominantly about old useless things in your life being cleared away, to make way for new growth and change. As you've probably heard, it is usually a positive card. In this deck I see it and it makes me swell with hope, joy, belief in the future -- all that Pollyanna crap. And I rly rly like Halloween, no srsly. Kipling West has made incredible Ouija boards, has some terrific Kids in the Hall-based pieces (follow the "Touch Bellini" link on her site), and is just an amazing graphic artist with a real knack for adapting universal symbolism to her own milieu - which is why her tarot deck is one of the modern greats.

by suthernangel: This explanation is the longest, so I put it at the end, hoping it wouldn't put you off the whole post. :)

I've seen maybe half of the first season of Supernatural and very much want to see more. When I started watching it, it reminded me a lot of Jeremiah, of which I've seen almost the entire first season and a bit of the second (I think there were only two). Jeremiah in turn was appealing to me largely because it caused me to reminisce about Xena. This was discomforting for some reason, as was Supernatural's appeal. When I found out from lj about Wincest, everything made sense. I felt a lot better about my fondness for seeing Dean and Sam interact. By proxy, despite their extremely fraternal relationship, I no longer feel ishy about my desire to see Kurdy pick up Jeremiah like a leaf, toss him in the back of that damn Jeep, and have his way with him already. I've been a fag hag since I first came out. Seeing two nice-looking guys on a screen touch, or almost touch, is romantic and swoony, and makes me squee. It's sort of strange having TV and movie boyfriends when I don't actually want to date or fuck guys anymore. It's sexual, I dunno, the way that the taste of certain foods (not the vulvaesque ones) is sexual? Something like that.

memes, bridget, icons

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