I can't for the life of me find a really detailed or super-reputable news source for this (which is fucking appalling), so you're getting several.
Several Ohio reps, who have a very sympathetic state Supreme Court, have submitted a bill which would
require women to provide written consent from the pud-owner in question, to obtain an abortion in any term. Violating this prospective law would result in a charge of abortion fraud, which is a first-class misdemeanor.
This site quotes from some decent news source I can't find (I'm too pissed off, and needing to get this posted, to try very hard). And here's a link to the danged
Suicide Girls story on it, because that has an actual excerpt from the bill, and names the female legislator that supports the fucking thing.
I'd like to write this of as unpassable as law, but I can't seem to, knowing what little I do about the political climate. If anyone can explain that we should not worry about it, and why, please do. Also, is it legally and temporally possible to spring this kind of thing on your state when an internationally-watched disaster is distracting everyone? Please respond if you know.
Regardless of that -- first of all, why did I have to find out about it when preparing to click on a Bruce Campbell interview? And most importantly, just who do these shambling pseudo-humans think they are? Who elected them? Who can I kill? Why does the tantalizingly addictive purity of fetuses continue to render women non-persons in comparison, in the minds of people like this?
This is personally offensive and dehumanizing to me. It's very important to me to say that.
This isn't the first such thing to rear its head since abortion legislation was tossed "back" (as anti-choicers say), crappie-like, to state governments. It is however a reminder that for the time being, women's bodies are not our own in this country. Here in the Twin Cities, we feel safe, and chances are we are right to. But we cannot be totally trusting of that. The bill's very existence indicates that.
If you haven't by now, to whatever extent you can without being brought down by it, start thinking of your uterus as a battleground again if you are a woman who can conceive a fetus. Seriously. Most of my bi and straight friends are damn smart about contraception, but in the event that you aren't always, admit it to yourself and take closer care of your business if you think you might possibly have sex with a right-leaning guy. Nominally or surreptitously libertarian, fond of so-called states' rights, whatever. I wish I had reversible-neutering magic for everyone (including you men, to be fair), but I don't, so -- like during the '80s, for fuck's sake -- unless you're trying to get pregnant, just say no to sex with "pro-lifers."