So, I've been uploading a lot of my old fanfiction to AO3 (Archive of Our Own). I know many of our old Harem crowd have AO3 accounts, and it occured to me that it would be nice if we could easily find Harem stories on that particular site.
In addition, since the archive that
deslea maintained for so long can no longer accept new stories, I thought this might be a good way to encourage new stories that fit the Harem's original mission to be written and posted.
It's really easy to add your stories that are already on AO3 to the collection. Simply put "The Harem - "Other Women" X-Files Fanfic" in the "Collections" field.
If you'd like to view the collection, click here: I hope this okay with everyone. I was trying to properly categorize my stories and since so many were written as challenge or gift fics for this group, this seemed the best way.