Hello, o people of Internetland! I am Sai, ruler of a pocket universe that exists only in my deluded mind!
...pero seriously. Harem Trained has been making plans of putting up a coffee shop/tea house/cake house sort of facility. Now, we have the passion, energy, and creative skillz to pull of the pretties and the other stuff, but none of us have much business know-how, so while a yoga studio may not exactly be Harem Cafe, it's still a small facility offering a particular sort of service, and that's a close enough approximation to what we want to do with Harem Cafe.
So. Enough rambling. Here are links. Before I forget to put them up...
http://www.abc-of-yoga.com/info/considerations-yoga-studio.asp http://www.abc-of-yoga.com/info/mistakes-yoga-studio.asp Of course, we can't quite put HC up just yet. We plead poverty. LOTS of poverty. A whole UNIVERSE of poverty. Because we are young and fresh and from families of average-ish means and are therefore very very poor.