A General Post about General Things. Generally.

Oct 17, 2008 12:26

Man, I am pissed. I just wrote over 1000 words, and then deleted it all by accident. SOD.

So, anyway, hopefully I can remember the basics of what I wrote, though it'll never be as good this time round *sobs*

Here I am, sat in the LRC in college listening to my NEW IPOD (o yes) which my friend Amy nicely gave me for 65 of your British pounds. It's awesome and shiny and has swizzle buttons and music that is actually loud for once. Tra La.

Anyway, tomorrow I am off to my second Uni Open Day at Keele. Weekend before last my very dear papa very kindly drove me all the way to Kent and back in a day, bless him. I find it somewhat ironic that we spent 10 hours in the car for about 4 hours in Kent, but I digress. It was also here that I learnt that teenagers aren't allowed to bond with their parents. I did already know this, but it was here that I truly realised the full extent of it. Where ever we wandered, there were groups of mopey looking teenagers wandering round forelorenly looking lost with a parent or two tagging behind at a distance of about 17 feet. If said parents tried to close this gap without express permission, they were treated to a dirty stare/eyeroll and a huffy sigh. As my uncle Dave said, 'what is the point of going with your folks if you aren;t "going" with them?' Indeed. So, to the amusement of ourselves, and the copious disgust of others, me and papa went round holding hands, laughing uproariously at the silliest things, speaking in very thick Northern accents and generally being very silly. Mad fun. We then went to have a look round in Canterbury, which was very nice, a nosy round the Cathedral, which was very informative, and got rained on, which was very wet. We then went home and had Alan's Fried Chicken, so a good day had by all I think. However, I was slightly disconcerted, because Kent wasn't quite as nice as I was led to believe, but at least I've been now.

So yes, tomorrow I'm off to Keele with mama and papa (and it's only an hour away, which is slightly easier) and hopefully it will be as nice as the brochure made out and I can frolic happily in the greenary. Then next weekend is Aberystwyth, which my unlce dave went to and said is very groovy (he also regaled me with many tales of him being madly drunk and streaking through the town) which sounded good to me. I tell you, it's all going on at the moment!

Last week we had a party at Nita's (my grandmother) and the entire clan was there, so that was nicely crowded. I bonded with the babies, which is excellent, and none of them cried at me and they knew my name, which is a vast achievement! I spent most of the day outside of the veranda porch thingy with G (who is the now second younget sprong at the age one 1 and a bit) finding her leaf stems for her to poke through the slats in the floorboard. She was terriblt amused by it all. Then Jess came out (how is third youngest sprog at 2) and chatted to me. (She is very intelligent, and I'm just saying that because she is my cousin. She told me recently she just 'didn't understand the point' when I couldn't find her Bob the Builder DVD, and when told she was very clever replied 'Yes, I am rather') She found a leaf which looked like a butterfly and promptly named it Bob. So I bonded and had many pictures taken, which I will post at some point, because the adorableness of these children needs to be shared.

o, and whilst I'm here, I am going to post up a synopsis of my film which I am doing in film (unsurprsingly you may think) and ask you all to cast you educated gazes over. Ashteh and I went over it last night and filled it out a little, but if any of you have any ideas, please fell free to suggest them.

April 1916 - Derbyshire. A young soldier, Edmund, is honourably discharged from the army after receiving a serious head injury, which has left him blind in his right eye. He returns to his childhood home to be looked after by his sister Evelyn, who still is still living there. As time goes by, it becomes clear that Edmund’s eye injury is not the only reason he has been sent back from the front line. After a series of incidents - including violent flashbacks and lapses in memory - Evelyn gradually realises that blindness is not Edmund’s only worry; he is gradually losing his memory. Evelyn tries her best to come to terms with the loss of the brother she once knew, until the crushing dénouement when Edmund no longer recognises ever her.

And finally, I am going to share some of my angst with you all, because I haven't told anyone else, and I'm sure you'll all be very supportive, bless your little hearts.
Now, as you may not know, I have recently discovered my deep aversion to emotional expression (aka, 'talking about my feelings') and touching (as in hugging, stroking, contact lasting more that about 5 seconds). Where this has come from, I do not know. Until a year ago, it was my sister that had this issue, and I was the one who could chat on for weeks about my emotions, and glomp people at will. However, now that she has had her emotional growth, I seem to have had mine stunted. Now, whilst this usually wouldn't bother me in the slightest, I seem to have recently developed a boyfriend (trust me, I'm just as shocked as you). Now, he is very lovely and nice etc. etc. but the trouble is, he is very touchy. He likes to be close and hugging and talk about his feelings (seriously, how I managed to find one of the only boys out there who can actaully be like this without being gay must be due to Sod's Law). I've told him of my deep angst at the whole touching issue, and whilst he is terribly understanding over MSN, the moment I get to his house, it's like bloody 'When Limpets Attack' and it's starting to drive me slightly crazy. I don't want to just turn to him and spaz in his face, but if any of you could suggest some way of perhaps making him realise that my problem isn't going to go away if it's introduced to overexposure, I would be terribly greatful.

Anyhoo, my leg has pins and needles now, so I'm going to have to get up and wander round for a bit.

PS...SPN...*gigglesnort* the mere thought that Dean had his *winkwinknudgenudge* restored had me wetting myself.

O, and for those of you interested in Hornblower (as we all know I am) I have found something for you to spend you free time on. It will make you LOL. Just follow the video replies. The entire series is entitled 'Blower VS bush (and occasionally) VS Archie' You can already see just how good it's going to be, can't you?

Right, I'm really going this time. Honest.

open days, supernatural, genral life, hornblower, epic

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