Adachi-cenctric fic: Red

Mar 19, 2009 19:17


Warning:Spoiler(as always), blood)
Characters:Dojima and Adachi

The color of red was swallowing him. When he closed, when he opened his eyes, red covered his eyes. Sometimes black seeping in, swirling together in a never-ending whirlpool. Magatsu Inaba is swallowing him.

Ever since he jumped into this dimension Adachi couldn’t think clearly. In fact he couldn’t think at all. Sometimes he heard himself talking to the kids that he saw inside a TV screen. Those kids listened to what he said, but he himself didn’t understand the meaning of the words that was spoken by his own mouth. He felt as if there was somebody else speaking through him. Adachi felt strange and also afraid, but only for a second. The second later he didn’t care anymore. He only gazed blankly to the TV screens in front of him.

The room where Adachi sat had so many televisions. In those screens many kinds of things appear. Those kids, the situation in every corner of Inaba, and also, the memories of Adachi Tohru himself.

He saw the moment he graduated from school, when he entered police academy, when he got transferred to Inaba. He wanted to forget everything, those memories that held no meaning at all, except…

In one of the screen appeared Dojima, his back in front of Adachi, facing the red skies. Adachi’s eyes caught by that image behind the glass, while his mind replayed the moment he memorized the image.

That time he felt sick after investigating the crime scene of Yamano Mayumi. Dojima who saw that yelling at him didn’t make him stopped vomiting, taking him to the Samegawa riverbank to calm himself. Dojima sat beside him, lighting a cigarette and offered one to Adachi. Adachi only shook his head, then gazing and daydreaming at the river in front of him. Looking at his partner, Dojima took a deep breath. “Feeling better?” he asked. Adachi felt sincerity in his tone. “Yeah, I’m okay now.” He smiled as he lied, feeling sick of everything. Of Mayumi. Of himself. Of the world. With bitterness he clenched his teeth.

Feeling tired, Dojima stretched his arms and laid down on a bed of soft grass. Suddenly Adachi spoke. “Do you know why sunset is red?” half-consciously he asked the thing that passed his mind. “Hm?” Dojima turned to look at him, seemed to be surprised by his partner’s sudden question. But finally he answered, “Why bother. It’s been like that forever.” Then he altered his gaze to the reflection of the sun on the river.

Hearing the answer, Adachi chuckled. “Not quite a poet, aren’t you, sir.” Somehow, the sickness inside his stomach faded away. Dojima frowned at him “Well sorry for that.” Then he stood. “Come on.” He stretched out his hand, helping Adachi to stand “We’ll be busy from now on.”

Adachi remembered how warm the hand was.

Adachi also remember how he had wanted to confess everything to Dojima, confessing that he was the one that threw Mayumi into the TV but Adachi also recognized he didn’t have enough courage or guilt to do it.

In the end it didn’t mean anything anyway. He was there, caught in the middle of the whirlpool of black and red, surrounded by the light from the TV screen. Nothing mattered to him anymore.

Except that back, a whisper came from the back of his mind. Unfortunately Adachi didn’t have much time to reminisce past. He felt the kids came closer, too close. In just a second the TVs disappeared, and the thing left was only a wide room with crimson red floor, a place suited for slaughter.

“Idiot brats.” He hissed. “You don’t understand what you’re really doing.” After that he didn’t remember anything any longer. When he was awoken by a tremendous pain, the only thing he saw was the color of red from the blood flowing out of his body.

Adachi kept staring at the blood on his hand. Suddenly he missed his partner’s warm hand. If only…Adachi couldn’t continue his thought, as if fog covered his mind.

In the hospital, Dojima stared at the ceiling above him in the dark. He thought of many things, especially about Adachi. He felt ashamed and angry, feeling really stupid that he couldn’t see the strange behaviors in Adachi. He kept thinking until he felt tired and almost fell asleep when a shadow of a person beside him made him opened his eyes again. Dojima turned to the shadow that felt familiar to him. “Who?” he asked half-consciously. The shadow didn’t say anything. It only stretched out a hand. Dojima took that hand, and in an instant the coldness of the hand awaken him.

“Adachi?” he asked, surprised. But the shadow was already disappeared. Dojima sat in full alert. He looked around his room. There’s no one else except him. He looked at his palm. The cold was still lingering there. “Tohru…” he whispered. He knew that just then it was Adachi who hold his hand.

Feeling a bad omen, Dojima regretted that he didn’t hold the hand tighter.

In Magatsu Inaba Adachi was smiling. Laying in the pool of his own blood he kept smiling, looking at his palm, feeling the warmth there. A few moment later red (probably blood red…or was it sunset red?) covered his view, drowning him in a bottomless whirlpool. But not a second did Adachi ever stopped smiling.

Indonesian version here:

dojimaxadachi, fic

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