akuroku fic

Jun 24, 2008 12:29

An akuroku drabble…fanfic… I don’t know, what’s the difference anyway? Nevertheless I just have to write this. They deserve something better! Summary:"see you in next life" here's their next life^_^ Disclaimer: I don’t own Axel, Roxas and Kingdom Heart but you know that already, don’t you? Note: not beta’d, my only editor is microsoftword-chan. Feel free to point any errors, tenses especially. Since this is first person POV I was really confused whether I should use past tense or present tense (my native language isn’t English>_<). In a Life After You gently hold my hand, grinning like an idiot again. Saying, “I love you” for the thousandth time, as we sit and wait for our thousandth sunset, in a town that is always shaded with a vivid orange sky. I still remember the first time we met; you immediately said that you fell in love with me. I freaked out back then. Not only that you are male just like me, I thought you were some kind of rascal, dying your hair deep red like that. Even now, I still can’t believe that that is the real color of your hair. When I asked you why you love me, you answered “It feels like I have known you for a long time. As if we are old friends.” You said that at our first date (wait, that was when you kidnapped me…). Strangely enough I felt that way too. I don’t really believe in previous life though. But it’s still strange how I feel this comfortable just to sit with you. “Helloooo. Is anybody home?” you knock my forehead gently. I was going to pout, but the way you smile melt my heart. Now it is my turn to grin like an idiot, making your smile wider. Before I do something more idiotic, I turn my gaze and look at the passing sun. When I’m sure you’re not watching, I steal a glance at your face. You’re mesmerized by the sunset too. Suddenly my heart feels warm. And I feel love. Before I know it, my lips have kissed your cheek. You turned around in surprised. “Roxas?” I turn my face before you can see the blush in my cheeks. You smirked this time. “ That’s the first time…Awww, does that mean I’m allowed to mole…” one punch in your face stopped your line (I feel like I’ve done this many times before, maybe in that previous life?) You just smirked again and resume watching the sun disappear bit by bit, far in the horizon. But as the light fade out, a new emotion strangled my heart. My heart full of love, full of happiness so much that I want to cry. Yet at the same time I also feel fear. I fear that one day you might go away. I fear that this feeling might disappear someday. I fear that I cannot feel this love anymore. But then I feel your hand hold mine tighter. And when I look at you, grinning like always, all my fears are washed away. The warmth of your hand ensures me. Everything can disappear. We can die. Our heart can be torn into pieces. Maybe even that sun someday won’t set anymore. But this feeling is eternal. In this life, or after that, or after after that. I know you will smile at me the same way. And I know then I will feel this love once more.

akuroku, fic

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