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eviljellybean88 September 9 2010, 07:31:55 UTC
alright! now i'm convinced that you're stealing dreams from me! *pouts*

alcoholic slime?! wow...just wow, your brain=idek

carmen san diego FTW!!! :D


hardysmidgen September 9 2010, 12:32:30 UTC
Convinced I'm hogging all the BTR dreams from everyone? XDDD I have no control! *gravels*

I don't even know...I--I have no idea. I'm going to blame Nick's sliming habit and the fact that I saw a picture of a friend drinking a green drink that looked like Nick's slime last weekend. XD

YES!! The theme song's been stuck in my head since last night.


eviljellybean88 September 10 2010, 00:29:52 UTC
you need an AA group for BTR dreams *nods* XD

i remember watching that when i was little in the 90's lol XD


hardysmidgen September 10 2010, 12:54:53 UTC
I do. I had another one last night. *head desks* Well, it wasn't BTR-themed, and only one member showed up, but still. XD

Me too! :) I miss those old shows. How about the Temple (of Doom?) challenge show? Do you remember that one?


eviljellybean88 September 11 2010, 01:20:56 UTC
lol i have no clue about that one XD


hardysmidgen September 12 2010, 22:19:33 UTC
It was called Legends of the Hidden Temple...kids had to work their way down the steps to enter the temple by answering questions correctly, then they had to race through a temple fighting off obstacles without getting caught to assemble the artifact pieces or something along those lines.


eviljellybean88 September 13 2010, 05:18:28 UTC
sounds like a cool game show :)


hardysmidgen September 13 2010, 14:46:57 UTC
I remember the suspense of the steps of knowledge and freaking out when they were going to be chased down for going into the wrong section. XD It was on in the early 90s, so I was a young kid at the time.


eviljellybean88 September 13 2010, 15:14:09 UTC
early 90's i was like 4, 5 and 6 which was aroud the time i was a child prodigy so i didn't have that much time to watch tv as i was busy writing all those newsies songs XXXXDDDDD!!!!!!!!!


hardysmidgen September 13 2010, 17:24:32 UTC
Yeah, you were totally busy plotting how to integrate all of those pelvic thrusts timed to appropriate lyrics about good assassinations. XDDDD I was busy cultivating my knowledge of mythology and geography through Carmen San Diego and Legends of the Hidden Temple. XD Well, I can't have watched the latter (temple) religiously because I couldn't remember it's name. I kept wanting to call it the temple of doom. XD I was really into Popples and Fraggles though.


eviljellybean88 September 13 2010, 17:44:41 UTC
ahh yes, that is precisly what i was doing while driking a juice box and eating animal crackers XDD that's why some of my lyrics sheets were a bit sticky XD


hardysmidgen September 14 2010, 02:56:06 UTC
I just got an adorable image of you trotting up to hand the director sticky lyric sheets. XD


eviljellybean88 September 14 2010, 07:21:18 UTC
yes, and he'd have to take them b/c i was adorable and i had everybody wrapped around my little finger XDD


hardysmidgen September 14 2010, 20:21:33 UTC
I think you still have everybody wrapped around your little finger.


eviljellybean88 September 15 2010, 05:05:05 UTC
well yes that is true, it's one particular trait that i never grew out of XD


hardysmidgen September 16 2010, 13:00:27 UTC
It's tough to grow out of the kind of innate power, comes naturally. ;)


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