iTunes on random seems to capture the last few songs I added (thanks to Kurtis' Limewire skills). Pre DMX? Styx. First person to guess which Styx song made the cut wins a virtual cookie. So we went from Slayer to the Carpenters to Styx to DMX - and I tell Kurtis that I'm not crazy.
I will argue long and hard that Karen Carpenter is one of the best female vocalists ever. She's like the female Steve Perry - sure, the songs they sing are cheesy Hallmark cards set to music but you cannot deny their pipes.
We have a coyote somewhere in the neighborhood - and it was seen in our driveway. We've called animal control and brought Wiffer inside. Wiffer has decided to indicate his desire to go back outside with loud yowling and horribly foul poops.
With our furry invader, we can't let the pups outside by themselves. I'll flick the outside light a few times before I open the door and make sure I'm saying something as I open the door to scare the thing away. Last night, out of pure geekery boredom (and stealing a note from my boss' son, who likes to follow his mother around doing it), I "sang" the Imperial March from Star Wars.
Four day weekend, bitches. I'm getting as much done today as I can and with the exception of Kurtis, ain't doing dick the rest of the weekend. Take that as you will.
Scratch that, I'm going to read a lot. Relax. And have me some fun.