Contra Dancing

Oct 23, 2005 18:24

Last night, I went to my second lesbian/gay contra dance in san francisco. After a year and a half of square dancing, I wanted to branch out a bit, though I am still pursuing the square dance class at Foggy City on Tuesday nights, learning to do the follower part this time 'round.

Contra dance uses some of the same moves as square dancing but in a different style. The dancers line up in two facing lines, and couples dance in patterns that take them up and down the whole "set." It's like something out of Jane Austen, and it's lots of fun. Plus, the contra dances usually have live music, which is really a nice change.

Last night was the halloween dance, so a number of people came in costume. And there was punch and candy. Also, they had a potluck beforehand, which I missed, but apparently people brought so much food that they decided to continue the potluck again after the dance was over. So I was out until midnight, and it was all very friendly--nice people. There is some overlap between rhe contra and square dance crowds, but not as much as you would expect. Several people at Contra wear kilts! Yum!

Now I need to find some easy transportation to get myself over to the Sundance saloon on Sundays so I can do Country-Western dancing again. They did a waltz at the break in the Contra Dance program, and I really felt a sense of longing to do some couple dancing again. I wish I had a car. Shouldn't everyone who is over 40 have a car?

Oh, well. One dance step at a time :)
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