Sep 04, 2004 10:32
I've been sick for the past 2 days with 104 degree temperatures off and on. So I'm finally able to get up, eat, and make a journal entry *not neccesarily in that order*
Seems like many people are coming down wiht mono... I, however, went to the doctor yesterday and he told me I didn't have it, they drew blood to test for West Nile, and then slapped us with a huge bill.
For the first day I was so delirious that during the fevers I was convinced I was the last emperor of China (gee, thanks for AP World History)
At breakfast my parents told me that my grandparents (the ones that run the shop in town) are splitting up... we're not entirely sure what's going to happen with the shop. My uncle Calvin, the artist in the shop, is tryign to decide whetehr or not he's going to stay.
On the upside my uncle is coming closer to bowling with the pros, and he got baptised a little earlier...
So yea... weird stuff always happens when I'm not awake to see it