Hardtime 100: Challenge #31-- Confession

Nov 09, 2003 21:57

A little Season 6 action-- yeah, i have a thing about the behind-the-stage chair n' duct tape parade.

It always feels like this between us. Whether we're separated by 1 bunk or 10 cafeteria tables, he is on top of me; heat on heat, breath sour enough to analyze. Now it's undeniable, this closeness. Bound and gagged while he teases me at knifepoint. I wish I could tell my shaking limbs he's not capable of this.

Beautiful lies, candy-coated in believable promises come spilling forth, but it's just wordless sound to me now. I don't even know him anymore. I’m tired of furtive, desperate confessions. Like I need another secret to take to the grave.

He looks so honest. He always does.

w: serialkeller, ch 031 confession

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