Hard Time Challenge #21--Boob Tube: There Can Be Only Oz

Aug 23, 2003 15:31

At Mav's instigation -- and with much cheating; maybe this can also be my retroactive entry for the 200 word challenge? -- here's a drabble.

“What’re we watchin’?” Chris said, slouching in his chair, feet propped on the one in front of him - until O’Reily turned to glare at him. He grinned and offered his nuts to Toby. “Want some?”

Toby took some peanuts and popped them in his mouth. “Thanks. It’s *Highlander*.”

Chris groaned. “Man, that movie sucked. Gotta be something better on.”

“Shh, this is good, it’s the TV version.” Toby tilted his head close, catching him up on the plot. Chris could think of better things for Toby to be whispering in his ear, but there were other times and places for that. “See,” Toby finished, “that the real Methos.”

“Yeah?” Chris watched the guy with the ponytail walk into a loft, porno music playing as the camera showed another guy sprawled out on the bed, looking all come hither. So, maybe there was some untapped potential to this show after all…

“So that Quickening,” Chris pulled his t-shirt off and stepped up behind Toby as the lights went out, “you said that’s about exchanging essences?”

“Something like, yeah,” Toby said and shivered with pleasure as Chris’ hand ran over his chest and belly, turning to face him.

“Uh-huh,” Chris nuzzled his chin, “kinda drastic way to do it, though. I can think of better ones,” he murmured, kissing Toby’s mouth before going to his knees to take his head.

HL episode references is "The Messenger" from S5, where Ron Perlman played a faux Methos. The one Duncan finds all comfy on his bed, though, is the one and original Real Old Guy.

Now if I can put this in the right lj... *sigh*

ch 021 boob tube, w: rileyc

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