HT100 #137: Family: A pain you're used to

Sep 19, 2015 10:03

Angus shares his brother's pain.
Rating: PG

Toby’s in pain. He always is.
Angus can be judgmental, because Toby’s pain is as always, self-inflicted.

Toby got drunk and drove and killed a young girl.
Toby rebelled against his Aryan rapist and as a result Gary is dead, and Holly sleeps with a kitchen-knife under her pillow and gets into fights.
The later events are not something he can blame Toby for.
Toby had to survive, and he couldn’t know what a monster like Schillinger would do.
Toby fell in love with a serial killer who broke him, and yet he still loves the man.
Harrison got the killer off death row because Toby is the golden child, the favorite. Harrison could never refuse Toby anything.
He thinks Angus is perfect too.
He’s not.
He’s unfaithful to his wife, and the mistress is pregnant. He’ll pay for the abortion.
Toby’s wife killed herself.
That’s on Toby too.
The guilt must be maddening, so of course he was ripe for a predator to exploit.
Two predators.
The bodies pile up, and Toby is still in pain.
Angus feels guilty for his own pain.
But you can’t quantify pain.
His pain exists independently of his brothers.
He can be strong for Toby now, he has to.
Their father’s death is a shared feeling.
No matter how much he resents it, he owes it to Toby.
It’s a pain he’s used to.

w: mazephoenix, ch 137 family

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