Flashfiction Challenge #68: Schemes: Twisted

Feb 21, 2015 22:17

Toby plots to get back at Chris. He and Vern have a past.
Rating: NC-17 for messed up shit again.

Toby closed his eyes.
It had been a long day, even by Oz standards.
Keller had pushed him away and here he was, all alone.
After the kidnapping he wanted Vern’s blood.
When Gary and Holly turned up alive, he calmed down at last.
He put out a hit on Hank Schillinger, but changed his mind.
Luckily Hank was arrested for the kidnapping and put somewhere that wasn’t Oz.
He couldn’t trust himself not to kill Hank if they shared prison walls.
Chris called him a weak pussy for calling the hit back.
Well he would, he never knew what a conscience was.
Toby mused that his ex-lover was acting like he still cared even if he said he didn’t.
That was Chris all over.
He pushed Toby away and then killed all his casual lovers.
Toby had a plan.
Chris would hate it.
Toby went to see good old Vern in a session sister Pete presided over.
He told Vern he was sorry about Andrew, and Vern said nothing about the kidnapping of his kids.
Of course he’d never admit that in front of the nun.
He and Vern knew and that was enough.
It was one of many secrets they shared.
It gave them a curious sense of intimacy, even if they both wanted to kill each other.
Toby wanted Chris back, and he wanted to stab him.
It was Oz, the place messed you up.
“Want a blowjob Vern?” he asked.
“From a slut like you?” said Vern.
“I know my stuff. You and Chris taught me well. Well Mondo knew some tricks too. There’s this really cool thing I can do with my tongue..”
“And you’re hanging with even more homeboys and spics. No thanks.”
“Oh I’m not pure enough for you now. You didn’t mind me in the beginning didya Vern? You plowed my ass like a tractor every night I seem to recall.”
“Don’t push your luck,” said Vern and left.
The plan wasn’t really working.
Getting back with Vern would really piss Chris off, but that was a stupid idea to being with.


“What are you playing at?” asked Chris.
“Not playing,” said Toby. “Just doing my stuff.”
“Well stop it.”
“You gave me away. Then you killed Browne.”
“What if I did? I changed my mind.”
“You used me and then you gave me to him so he could fuck me. Then you kill him for it.”
“Fucking bitch.”
“That’s what Vern called me. One of many endearing nicknames. Bitcher, sweetpea, whore, bitch..he really likes me.”
“Shut up.”
“Sure. I’m going to blow dear old Vern now.”
“Lying cunt.”
“No. I am. See you around,” he said and blew Chris a kiss.

He found Vern in the gym.
“Later,” he said. “Meet me in the storage room.”
“That would be the day.”
“Yes. It would,” said Toby.
Vern shot him a cold glance and he left.
It seemed the game was on.

Vern did show up and Toby waited.
He could shank him but he didn’t want to do that.
He wanted to make Chris furious so he’d hate Vern even more than he already did.
“Suck me,” said Vern.
He laughed and slid to his knees.
It was easier than he thought, all he had to do was close his eyes and it was a dick like any other.
He made Vern come, and then left, laughing to himself.

He smiled at Keller.
“Hey lover,” he said. “I’ve just had a nice time with Vern. I sucked him.”
“You lying piece of hit.”
“No. I did. Didn’t even think of you. Might do it again. Might let him fuck my ass for old times’ sake.”
“You wouldn’t. You hate him.”
“Well, yeah and you hate me but you still want to get in my pants.”
Toby knew he had Chris now.
He had him, twisted around his finger.
They both met in the storage room, two enemies sealed together in a bizarre sexual act, a tangle of sweaty limbs.
Toby wanted Chris back so he let Vern fuck him.
Made perfect sense.
“See you tomorrow,” said Toby as Vern zipped up his pants.
“Maybe,” said Vern.
Toby knew what that meant.
He wanted Chris, and he wanted to kill Vern.
This was accomplishing both those goals in a nicely twisted way.
He was a bit crazy, but this was Oz.
It made you that way.

flashfic ch 068 schemes, w: mazephoenix, flashfiction

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