Announcing Transfer to Dreamwidth

Jan 07, 2012 13:34

One person has already made it known that they didn't want their content transferred to Dreamwidth. If you have a problem with having your drabbles or flashfics being on Dreamwidth's hardtim100, please let me know. I'll be happy to remove your stories.

This is the official announcement that Hardtime100 has been transferred to Dreamwidth. Communities can finally be copied over there, and after this latest round of releases from LJ, I feel like I have no choice but to move.

Not everyone likes Dreamwidth. So again, if you want your content removed, let me know.

LJ's Hardtime100 is not dead. It will continue like always. I ask that if you have a DW account, that you please crosspost from DW when you post your stories. I will be maintaining both sites.

If you have any questions, or if you simply want to bitch at me about the whole thing, comment here, or email me at

ETA: Like I said, LJ Hardtime isn't going anywhere. I will continue to maintain it as I always have. Prompts will be posted at both communities. You can post your writing to both or just one. It is easy to crosspost from DW if you have an account.

y: admin

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