HT 100 #167 - Peeps

Apr 28, 2011 21:39

Happy belated Easter from the most crazy awesome dentist ever!  o 3 o


"Here - here - take these and pretend it never happened," the looney stammered, shoving them in Tariq's face. "Please - Pop will be so mad." The dentist takes them from him gingerly and shows him to the door, nodding his assent. He wonders what's worse - being treated like some sort of diseased animal for having dark-colored hands or being treated like some sort of sex predator for using the phrase "oral examination". Dentistry is indeed a depressing field of work.

Part II

He eyes them wearily. Curvaceously pump and absolutely glowing, they entice them with sparking brown eyes. The pagan roots of this Christian holiday.  All sugar and calories and tooth decay. Maybe just one.

Nibbling guiltily upon the soft, fluffy goodness of a yellow bottom, he watches the artificially colored sugar blend with pure white, making a note to himself that he has yet to find a way to ensure that a certain other white ass get the same treatment. He bites down. Almost sweeter than revenge. Almost. Shame he cannot recall the looney's name...

Part III

Looney's back. White-ass shoves him against the door on the way out. Looney cringes into himself. It's going to be a long day...

"Forget about him. He's just a loser who wants to be somebody but never will," Tariq sighed. Now, to make himself feel better, Tariq could have threatened to sodomize him with his drill. Tariq could have blackmailed some more candy out of him. But, Tariq is better than that. So, he'll just settle for grumbling a little about his day. "It's too bad. My Operation Ghetto Gums really would have showed him..."

Looney looks up from his fetal position. "Ghetto gums?"

"Yeah, Mighty-Whitey there needs some new gums. l was thinking some non-WASP ones would serve him right...turns out, I really have no control over the cadaver..."

Looney shrugs. "Does he know that?"

We reap what we sow.

w: ellu_ellu, ch 167 peeps

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