Title: Sock Puppet - A Double Drabble
Characters: Ryan & Cyril
Rating: NC17
Prompt: #155: Socks!
Spoilers: Season 3, Episode 5, U.S. Male
Word Count: 200 words
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Notes: Drabble two... I might be stretching the prompt a bit, but I couldn't find the Miss Sally's prompt. I know it's in there somewhere...
Sock Puppet
“Ryan, what’s a fourway?”
Damn that Beecher. “Don’t worry about that, Cyril. That’s grown-up talk. Now go to sleep.”
There was silence for a moment, and Ryan began to relax. That line didn’t always work, but it looked like he might have lucked out, this time.
“It’s one of those things I’m not supposed to know about? Like what the bad man did? But Toby’s not bad. I like him.”
“No, Cyril, Toby’s not bad.” A little twisted, maybe. “But he’s a grown-up, remember? Grown-ups are allowed to talk about that stuff.”
“So I’m not allowed to have a fourway with Nooter and Pecky?”
Holy fuck! “No, Cyril. You’re not. That was a joke.” Christ, I hope it was a joke. “Nooter and Pecky aren’t allowed to have a fourway either, with or without Miss Sally. Now go to sleep.”
“Okay. Night Ryan.”
“Night, Cyril.”
Ryan rolled over and sighed, wishing he could scrub away the thought of Beecher fucking Miss Sally… while Nooter sucked on one hefty tit, and Pecky shoved one tiny blue fist firmly up Beecher’s ass. Christ on a crutch. He was never going to get that image out of his head, now.