HT100 Challenge #149, Nighttime Nosh, PG, Oz/SVU, Toby/Elliot

Apr 25, 2010 02:14

Nighttime Nosh
Rating: PG
Fandom: Oz/SVU
Pairing: Tobias Beecher/Elliot Stabler
Word-count: 100
Warning: AU, Slash, Mushiness, Unbetaed.
Disclaimers: Toby & Elliot belong to their creators.
Written for 25fluffyfics, Prompt #01, Picnic. Also posted to hardtime100, Challenge #149: Sweet, Bitter, Salty, Sour.

Elliot smiled at Toby peacefully sleeping. His grin grew as he noticed a smear of chocolate at the corner of Toby’s mouth and on his chest. Tobias Beecher was at heart a neat freak, never leaving the table with any food stuffs anywhere on him.

Of course, he wasn’t at the table when this food stuff got on his body. Elliot picked up a strawberry from the bedside table, dipped it in a dish of chocolate sauce beside the berries.

He watched Toby’s tongue lap at the berry against lips, smiling at his question. “Still hungry?”

“Always hungry for you.”


My Meloni/Tergesen Table

ch 149 sweet bitter salty sour, w: numenora

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