Flashfic Challenge #30: Gratitude, Paid In Full, R, Toby/Chris, AU

Mar 11, 2010 00:39

Paid In Full
Rating: R
Pairing: Tobias Beecher/Christopher Keller, Vernon Schillinger
Fandom: Oz
Word-count: 2052
Warning: AU, Slash, Rough Language, Non-graphic Violence, Unbetaed.
Disclaimers: Toby, Chris and all Oz characters belong to Tom Fontana and HBO.
Written for 25fluffyfics, Prompt #07, Breakfast (Not your typical fluffy, but this is Oz) and for hardtime100 Flashfiction Challenge #30: Gratitude. Cross-posted to my journals and elsewhere.
A/N: I love writing AU B/K where Chris is a better man than he actually is on Oz because I like imagining who he could have been if he’d had a chance at a normal life. With that said, I also love writing Chris as he is on the show as well: Sexy, violent, deadly and so much more. This one’s an AU, too, but Chris is the Chris we all fell for. I hope you enjoy!

Christopher Keller sat in the visitor’s room waiting for his old mentor, Vernon Schillinger to arrive. These meeting were wearing on Chris’ nerves. He hated Vern, but he owed the man for saving his life in Lardner, a maximum security prison, back when Chris was 17. Saving my life--Taking it over is more like it. But, a handsome teenage boy (even one as tough as Chris had been) wouldn’t have stood a chance on his on in a place like Lardner. Those men would have sucked the life right out of Chris, passing him around, finally killing him before he would have served out his sentence.

Yeah, he owed that fucking prick his life. Being Vern’s bitch and his prag all those years made Chris bitter. Learning how to get rid of one’s enemies at Ol’ Vern’s knee helped Chris become a thorough and efficient killer. He knew that one day he would have to settle up with the old Nazi and that day had arrived a little over two months ago. Vern needed a favor that would wipe the slate clean and give Chris his chance to say goodbye to the evil bastard forever.

During their first meeting, Vern spelled out what he wanted from Chris.

“I need you to watch someone for me. This lawyer that’s appearing as a witness against my oldest son, Andrew.”

“You want me to kill a witness?” Chris asked him point blank.

“Keep your fucking voice down,” he hissed, looking around the almost empty room. “I said watch him for me. I need for you to find out what his weaknesses are so that he could be persuaded to change his testimony.

“If this guy just ended up dead, the cops, the District Attorney’s Office--Everybody would know where to look. This little bitch comes from money--Old money. They’re so connected, they have the Governor on speed dial, if you get my drift.” Vern explained.

“So, you think that I can get close to this guy and just convince him nicely to lie on the witness stand?” Chris didn’t even try to hide the ridicule in his voice.

“Hell no. I want you to do what you do best; use that body and that pretty face of yours to seduce him. Once you’re in his life, you can find out what makes him tick. I will use that info to control him and save my boy. Of course, if this fails, you may have to… Make him disappear.”

Chris held his breath briefly, trying to reign in his contempt for the man sitting across from him. When he spoke, however, he let none of this show. This was Chris’ opportunity to be rid of Schillinger once and for all. If he had to kill this rich lawyer to make that happen, then he would.

“What’s the bitch’s name?”

“Tobias Beecher. This is his home address and where he works,” Vern told Chris, handing him a folded piece of paper.

That was the beginning. Today, things had finally progressed where he was close to settling his debt to Vernon Schillinger--Once and for all.

“How goes ‘Operation Toby?’ Vern asked him after sitting down.

“On track,” Chris said simply.

“What the fuck does that mean, Keller? You’ve had weeks to get the information I need. What’s taking so long?” Schillinger looked at Chris hard, his evil nature on full display.

“Someone like me doesn’t just travel in the same circles as a rich lawyer with (how did you put it?) the ‘Governor on speed dial.’ Tobias Beecher is a smart and cautious guy. It’s taken me a while to get close to him.” Chris smiled at that.

Vern returned the smile, his both nasty and unpleasant. “You fuck him yet?” When Chris continued to smile, Vern smack him on the shoulder. “You did, didn’t you?!”

“I told you not to worry; that sooner or later, Beecher would be mine.”

“What have you found out?”

“Quite a bit, but I won’t discuss it here. I figured out a clever way to get the information to you that can’t be overheard by the wrong people,” Chris explained.


“I’m sending you a package. In it, you’ll find all you need.”

“You’re being awfully mysterious, Keller. You know the mail isn’t all that safe in a prison.”

“It is in this prison. Or am I wrong about you being in charge of all the mail that flows through Oz?”

“When you’re right, you’re right,” Vern said smugly. “When will this package of yours arrive?”

“Soon, Vern. Very soon.”


Tobias Beecher had seen the insides of hundreds of courtrooms in his career as an attorney. Appearing as a star witness, however, was a first for him. He never doubted that he would testify. Doing what was right was never difficult for Toby. He believed in the law and in helping his fellow man. Toby knew that there was evil in the world that allowed one human being to harm another without remorse. It was his duty to do what was right no matter what.

Those Nazi hoodlums had attacked and murdered a grandfather of eight as he was leaving his synagogue. The attack was vicious and unprovoked. Toby had witnessed the entire thing and he spelled out the event eloquently, precisely and convincingly to the Grand Jury. Now he’d done the same at trial.

He had been nervous awaiting his turn to testify, but, once he’d got on the stand, his nervousness dissipated. He liked to think that he would have felt this way no matter what; but, he had to admit that the very handsome man sitting towards the back of the court had more to do with it. Chris had been by Tobias’ side everyday throughout this ordeal.

Even before Toby knew his name, Chris had come to his aid almost like an angel from Heaven. Toby smirked at that description because Christopher Keller was no angel. Nevertheless, he was what Toby needed that first day he’d arrived for a preliminary hearing of this case.

Tobias had let those amoral Nazi youths get under his skin that morning, trying to intimidate him. The blond attorney had blushed to realize he had been shaking in the men’s room after he’d left the courtroom. That’s when he saw Chris for the first time. Toby had assure his parents that he didn’t need them to come with him. Later, he realized that he’d been mistaken. Chris had given him a wet handkerchief for his face and he had been so attentive that Tobias immediately felt better.

Then, Chris offered to sit with Toby in the courtroom until the hearing concluded. He should have let Chris off the hook, but he hadn’t. He had needed a friend. Afterwards, Toby invited Chris to dinner to thank him and they talked almost all night long. After that evening, Toby and Chris became friends and eventually, much more than friends. He was Toby’s support every day he testified in court including this one, his final day.

When the defense attorney finished his cross-examination of Toby (the man extremely agitated that he was not able to trip Tobias up or shake him), the Prosecution rested. Toby left the stand and the judge called a recess until the next morning when the Defense would present their case.

“You alright, baby?” Chris asked Toby, taking the man’s hand into his own.

“I’m great. Just damn glad that my testimony is done. I don’t want to be overly confident, but those boys are toast. I can’t imagine who they could have to testify on their behalf besides other Nazis or the KKK. Did you know the Klan are paying for that lawyer?”

“I didn’t know that, but, I’m sure you’re right about those punks. They don’t have a prayer in Hell of getting off.” Chris agreed. “You hungry? I could use some red meat right about now,” Chris said, smiling. He was staring intently into Toby’s eyes.

“What?” Toby smiled back curiously.

“Nothing, baby. Well, except that I love you. Tell me somethin’--Is it wrong for me to be glad you witnessed those fucks killing that man?”

“I… I’m not sure how to answer that. If you’re saying that you’re glad we met even though the circumstances weren’t ideal, then no--It’s not wrong. I’m glad we met, too.

“You are the only good that’s come out of this whole mess.” Toby admitted. “And, just in case I haven’t made it clear to you, I love you, too.”

Chris’ smile grew at the admission. However, some other emotion flashed briefly in his eyes. It was much too fast for Tobias to recognize what it was, but it worried him. “What’s the matter, babe?”

“Nothing. Let’s get the fuck outta here.”

“Okay,” Toby agreed, still a bit concerned.


“What the hell do you mean they’re all dead?” Warden Leo Glynn shouted at Dr. Gloria Nathan.

“Just that, Leo. Every Aryan, plus two C. O.’s are dead in the mail room.” She told him inside Glynn’s office.

“How many Aryans?”

“I can’t say for sure because no one can get an accurate head count without putting themselves at risk. The only Aryans we are sure of are Vern Schillinger and James Robson.” Gloria informed the warden.

“Do you have any idea what killed them?”

“It could be any number of toxins, but, I’m not qualified to even guess. I’ve ordered that part of the prison quarantined, but we can’t stay here, Leo--None of us can. Everybody including the prisoners must be evacuated.”

“What should I do?”

“Call the state bio-terrorism unit and get the C. O.s clearing everyone out of here immediately!”

Warden Glynn nodded as he quickly went to his desk and he picked up the phone. In less than twenty minutes, Correctional Officers mobilized, emptying The Oswald State Correctional Facility, Level Four of his inmates and staff. Once the prisoners were loaded onto buses and the staff directed to a designated place to be debriefed, Dayglo yellow-suited beings with gas masks and strange contraptions swarmed the abandoned prison, once noisy, now eerily quiet.


Toby smiled sleepily as the smell of coffee (more specifically, his favorite Tanzania Peaberry) pleasantly assaulted his senses.

“Wake up, sleepy head,” Chris whispered sexily in his lover’s ear, setting a stoneware mug on the nightstand.

“Good morning, babe.” Toby slowly opened his eyes, turning towards that voice that did naughty things to his nether region.

“Try afternoon,” Chris chuckled, kissing Toby on his nose.

“What? What time is it?” Tobias asked, sitting up.

“Quarter to one.” Chris handed him his coffee.

“Why did you let me sleep so late?”

“You needed it.”

“I’m surprised the kids haven’t been in here demanding waffles.” Tobias said, taking a long sip of coffee then setting the mug back down.

“They’re not here. Your folks came just after eight and whisked them away. They thought you could use a break.” Chris rubbed Toby’s arm gently, his blue eyes tender. “I thought so, too. I hope ya don’t mind us makin’ decisions for ya?”

“No, not today. I still can’t get over what happened. Receiving those threatening phone calls and then the police telling me they tracked down the culprits only to find them dead.”

“Yeah. It’s amazing that these same fuckers were the alibi witnesses for that Schillinger kid and his band of brain-dead skinheads.”

“Yeah. At least the trial is over now. With no witnesses, the Defense had to rest. Now it’s up to the jury.” Toby said, frowning.

“Hey, this is a good thing. It’s over. You’re safe, the kids are safe and those pricks are going to prison for the rest of their lives.” And Vern Schillinger is burning in Hell where he belongs, Chris thought in satisfaction, his fingers threading through Toby’s slightly mussed up curls. Then he brought one of Toby’s hands to his lips and kissed each finger.

“You’re right, Chris. It is all over, now. Thank you for being here with me.”

“You’re welcome, but where else would I be? I love you, my baby.” Chris said with feeling.

“I love you, too.” Toby declared, pulling Chris to him, kissing him deeply. “Now, how about some waffles?”


My Meloni/Tergesen Table

flashfic ch 030 gratitude, w: numenora, flashfiction

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